Words from a Donkey

Words from a Donkey

We know that donkeys don’t talk—which is why it was incredible when one did. The action is miraculous: the Lord opened the donkey’s mouth. The donkey’s words function as a rebuke—ultimately from the Lord—against Balaam’s actions.

So here’s what happened: King Balak in Moab wanted the Israelites to be cursed, so the king sent for an international seer named Balaam who could do the cursing work.

In Numbers 22, Balak’s messengers talked with Balaam about making the trip to Moab. Eventually Balaam went with the messengers (22:21). But he didn’t walk. He rode his donkey.

Since Balaam was apparently not going with the conviction to obey the Lord, an angel of Yahweh opposed Balaam in the middle of the road. Balaam didn’t see the angel. The donkey, however, saw the angel and turned aside out of the road and into a field (Num. 22:23). Balaam, in his frustration and ignorance of the situation, struck the donkey!

The angel of the Lord then stood in a narrow path between vineyards in the field, with a wall on either side (Num. 22:24), and the donkey pushed against the wall and squished Balaam’s foot (22:25). Balaam struck the donkey a second time!

The angel of the Lord moved to block the path entirely, so the donkey lay down under Balaam (Num. 22:27). Balaam, again, was angry and, again, struck the donkey—a third time!

Now something different happened. “Then the LORD opened the mouth of the donkey, and she said to Balaam, ‘What have I done to you, that you have struck me these three times?’” (Num. 22:28).

Did you notice the preface in front of the donkey’s words? The Lord “opened the mouth of the donkey.” We know that donkeys don’t talk—which is why it was incredible when one did. The action is miraculous: the Lord opened the donkey’s mouth. The donkey’s words function as a rebuke—ultimately from the Lord—against Balaam’s actions.

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