Responding to questions from listeners about WWUTT on social media, a shout-out to ShepCon, should we pray silently or out loud, and can unbelievers share at the Lord’s Table? Visit for all our videos!
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WWUTT 1826 A High Priest Taken from Among Men (Hebrews 5:1-4)
Reading Hebrews 5:1-4 where the preacher compares the high priest in the order of Aaron to Jesus Christ, who is our great high priest who sacrificed for us. Visit for all our videos!
WWUTT 1191 Their Throat is an Open Grave? (Romans 3:13-14)
Reading Romans 3:13-14 where the Apostle Paul continues to lay out his argument for the depravity of man, which is evidenced even through man’s wicked words. Visit for all our videos!
WWUTT 864 Job Knows the Outskirts of God's Ways?
Reading Job 27 and 28 where he highlights two major events in creation and says these are but the outskirts of God’s ways. Visit for all our videos!