Reading 1 John 1:1-10 and going over some of the backstory and history in the writing of this letter from the beloved Apostle. Visit for all of our videos!
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WWUTT 2318 Blessed Are You Who Are Hated (Luke 6:22, 26)
Reading Luke 6:22 and 26 where Jesus finishes His beatitudes by saying those who are hated for the name of Christ should consider themselves blessed, for their reward in heaven is great. Visit for all our videos!
WWUTT 1410 Q&A Hal Lindsey, Francis Chan, and Allah
Responding to questions from listeners about Hal Lindsey, Francis Chan, and whether it’s okay to call God “Allah.” The following are links to conferences, videos, and articles mentioned in this podcast:
Coming June 11-12 to Denton, TX: Wokeness and the Gospel Conference
Coming October 1-3 to Atlanta, GA: The G3 Conference
WWUTT Video: When Will Jesus Return?
Pastor Gabe’s article: Francis Chan Defends His Friendship With False Teachers
Cripplegate article: Farewell Francis
Lutheran Satire video: A Latter-Day Re-Gift
WWUTT 707 Preach the Word? (Part 2)
Reading 2 Timothy 4:1-8 again and continuing with a sermon started yesterday from guest teacher Voddie Baucham, warning against false teachers. Visit for all our videos!