Are Roman Catholics Christians? Should we work together with them for Jesus? Where have they gone wrong? Les sits down with Paul Barth to discuss the errors of Rome and how we should think about them.
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Binding the Strongman
Satan is defeated, but he’s clearly still active today. How do we reconcile these two realities? In this episode of White Horse Inn, Justin Holcomb, Bob Hiller, and David Cassidy conclude our series on spiritual warfare, considering what it looks like to rest in Christ’s victory, stand firm on Christ’s word, and look for Christ’s return. __________ Our magazine, Modern Reformation, has been newly redesigned and it comes with a special price: whatever you can afford! To find out more, head over to __________ To receive our new book, 30 Years Closer: Essays for a Modern Reformation, for a gift of $50 or more, go to
Grace and Law XIII: Is God’s Law Fair?
If you have gone through the Media Gratiae study Behold Your God: The Weight of Majesty, you will know that God’s attributes include being just, good, and kind. So how can a just, good, and kind God require the adherence to a law that people may not understand or be able to follow?
That is the topic of discussion this week for Dr. John Snyder and Steve Crampton. They are sharing their notes from chapter nine of Ernie Reisinger’s book, The Law and the Gospel. In this chapter, Reisinger looks to David Brainerd, the son-in-law of Jonathan Edwards, for help. In his journals, Brainerd discusses the hatred and contempt he felt towards God’s law when he was unconverted. He then details how his renewed understanding of God’s law led to his conversion.
His journey is one that we believe can be very helpful to discuss the fairness of God’s law to unconverted people today. It is so helpful, in fact, that we allowed the discussion to go a bit longer than normal. If you haven’t picked up a copy of this book, we highly encourage you to do so and make sure to carefully read through chapter nine: Does Human Inability make God Unjust?
Get your copy of Reisinger’s book here:
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Tuesday, April 30, 2024
This is The Briefing, a daily analysis of news and events from a Christian worldview.Part I (00:13 – 10:57)Anti-Semitism in the Name of ‘Free Speech’: Campus Protests Continue at Columbia University and BeyondStatement from Columbia University President Minouche Shafik by Columbia University (Minouche Shafik)Part II (10:57 – 14:47)The Resurgence of Cultural Marxism on University Campuses: The Worldview Driving the Ideological Left’s Hatred of IsraelPart III (14:47 – 18:25)Big Money is Fueling Campus Protests — Haven’t You Wondered Why All the Tents Look the Same?Antisemitism U by The Wall Street Journal (Gerry Baker and Shai Davidai)Part IV (18:25 – 22:58)The FTC Bans Most Noncompete Clauses: This Is a Vast Overreach for the Administrative State — And the Issue Is More Complicated Than Some ThinkSign up to receive The Briefing in your inbox every weekday morning.Follow Dr. Mohler:X | Instagram | Facebook | YouTubeFor more information on The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, go to more information on Boyce College, just go to write Dr. Mohler or submit a question for The Mailbox, go here.