00:06:49 Colette Toach Projecting What You Perceive
00:20:40 Zach Drew & Sasha Volz Jesus Prophesied Transhumanism
00:46:53 Brian Houston Natural Resistance to Spiritual Possibilities?
01:08:02 Sermon Review: Open the Window Vicki Simpson
00:06:49 Colette Toach Projecting What You Perceive
00:20:40 Zach Drew & Sasha Volz Jesus Prophesied Transhumanism
00:46:53 Brian Houston Natural Resistance to Spiritual Possibilities?
01:08:02 Sermon Review: Open the Window Vicki Simpson
• Craig Groeschel Turns Acts 20 Into a Leadership Fable
• Furtick’s Oversight Board
• Perry Noble’s Twisting of Matt 13
• Sermon Review: Finding My Purpose by John Maxwell
• Winner of the 2015 Worst Easter Sermon Announced
• Patricia King’s Donkey Anointing
• Prophecy Open Mic
• Perry Stone It’s Time to Throw It Off
• Sermon Review: You Got to Throw It To Sow It by Kory Cassell