00:09:28 Vonda Doubles Down on Dump Trump Prophecy
00:36:05 Perry Stone Hearing God’s Voice in the Early Hours
00:54:04 Jim Bakker Wound Lickers of the Leviathan Spirit
01:14:09 Sermon Review: Adventure Awaits Again by Paul Reid
00:09:28 Vonda Doubles Down on Dump Trump Prophecy
00:36:05 Perry Stone Hearing God’s Voice in the Early Hours
00:54:04 Jim Bakker Wound Lickers of the Leviathan Spirit
01:14:09 Sermon Review: Adventure Awaits Again by Paul Reid
• Book of Colossians Part 2 – by Rev. Ron Hodel
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Christian Group Calls For Christians to Not Read Their Bibles During Christmas.
Rob Bell Promotes the Unbiblical Practice of Lectio Divina
Oprah and Ed Bacon Attack Doctrine, Dogma and Thought