How to Be Holy An Outline — 1 Peter @ Covenant Bible Church

The letter of 1 Peter contains many practical implementations of the brief exhortation in verse 16 to “be holy as the Lord is holy.”
In verses 17-21, Peter outlines exactly how one should aspire to realize this holiness, and the rest of the book is the practical outworking of this command.

Be Holy 1 Peter 1

Remember you are adopted by God. v17 Fear Yahweh v17 Psalm 34:9-11 Proverbs 3:7, 16:6
Remember this world is not your home v17 1 Peter 2:11-12 1 John 2:15-17, 5:19
Remember you were bought not with perishable things v18 1 Cor 6:20 Heb 9:1-4
Remember the futile ways you inherited v18 1 Peter 4:3 Psalm 40:6
Remember the precious blood of Christ v19 Exodus 12:3-5 Hebrews 9:22-28, 10:1-4,5-7 (Psalm 40 is quoted) Psalm 40:6-8, 1-5 are poignant
Remember Jesus is resurrected v20 Psalm 1:1-2 God is to be trusted by faith

Preached Oct 4, 2020, @ Covenant Bible Church of Ohio by Michael Coughlin.

Photo by Hugo Fergusson on Unsplash

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