Throughout Scripture we are given glimpses into how the entire process of a persons life is intimately handled by God. He opens the womb, forms the person and numbers their days!
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Song Credit: Seeds Family Worship: “Young”
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Sermongate is to Plagiarism as Milli Vanilli is to Lip-Syncing…Theft #101
The Godcast with Josh Fritz, Episode 101
Josh finds a video released by Reformation Charlottle that features a sermon either shared or ideas were stolen from JD Greear by Ed Litton. It has reached the secular news media with articles in the New York Times. In the video below you can find all of the links referring to this scandal that has rocked the Southern Baptist Convention.
Josh also shares some great news from Canada with Pastors Tim Stephens (Fairview Baptist) and James Coates (Gracelife Church) both returning to their pulpits after Canada had eased restrictions on worship services,. They released Tim Stephens (Fairview Baptist) and returned custody of the building to James Coates and Gracelife Church. Praise God. In addition to that Josh shares a small portion of the opening of each sermon.
If you have any questions, feedback, please email me at [email protected]
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juLIE Roys Fibs About Dr. MacArthur
On this episode of Polemics Report for February 5, 2020, JD discusses the attacks on John MacArthur by Julie Roys and points out the absurdities of her Yellow Journalism and explains how MacArthur is NOT living exorbitantly or lavishly. He also discusses an article at SBC Voices claiming the SBC is racist and points out that Russell Moore is attacking his own employer (the SBC) as a threat not to defund him. Then, JD addresses “JezebelGate 2021” in which Tom Buck made leftists mad for calling Kamala Harris (although not by name) “Jezebel.” JD Greear and Dwight McKissic both rebuked him for the RAciSt remark, but then Protestia discovered Dwight McKissic called a woman “Jezebel” AT SBC VOICES. Hypocrisy knows no bounds with leftists. Then, JD talks about Jeff Dornik’s attack on JMAC and explains a Biblical view of financial giv
Preaching- Weapon of Mass Construction
Preached by Pastor Austin Hetsler on February 20th, 2022 (Sunday Morning)
Part of the Exposition of the Book of Acts series, preached at a Sunday Morning service
“Preaching is passion purified by theology.”
Acts 2:14-42
Watch the video of the Sermon Here: