Sin is not a virus lurking outside of us, but a poison that defiles our hearts from within. Today, Barry Cooper helps us to delve into the depths of our sin. Read the transcript:
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Canon of Scripture
How did the early church recognize the books of the New Testament as Scripture? In this episode, Barry Cooper examines four signs of a book’s divine authority. Read the transcript:
Followers of Jesus seem to be at the mercy of earthly kings bent on destroying them. But each of these rulers will instantly fold at a single word from the mouth of Christ. Today, Barry Cooper invites us to take heart in knowing the King of kings and Lord of lords. Read the transcript:
Is God like a cosmic cheerleader who is rooting for us on the sidelines but cannot get involved in the game? Today, Barry Cooper explores how the Lord is actively unfolding His good plan for His people, a plan that was set irrevocably before time began. Read the transcript: