Doctor Brags of Breaking New Law, Gets Serious Surprise for His Medical License

Doctor Brags of Breaking New Law, Gets Serious Surprise for His Medical License

“Because Braid publicly admitted guilt in violating Texas law by killing a baby whose life was protected by that duly enacted law, Operation Rescue has filed a complaint with the Texas Medical Board seeking an immediate emergency suspension of Braid’s Texas medical license,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “The emergency suspension is necessary to prevent him from further illegal conduct and to ensure the protection of innocent lives.”

A Texas abortionist, Alan Braid, went to the Washington Post to boast in a commentary over the weekend that he broke Texas’ new pro-life law banning abortions after about six weeks.

Now he’s finding himself on the wrong end of a campaign calling on the state to suspend his medical license.

NPR reported Braid bragged of breaking the law which was allowed by the U.S. Supreme Court to stand.

It is unique is that most pro-life requirements are enforced by a government. But not Texas’ S.B. 8, which allows that anyone who aids anyone else in getting an abortion “runs the risk of being sued for at least $10,000,” NPR said.

Braid, in the article, boasted he performed an abortion despite the state law on Sept. 6, which prompted the pro-life Operation Rescue organization to file a complaint with the Texas Medical Board.

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