Reading Proverbs 18:13-24 about different kinds of words and their effects, encouraging us to seek the true word, and that is Jesus Christ. Visit for all our videos!
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WWUTT 927 Jesus Serves His Disciples?
Reading John 13:1-3 where Jesus sits down with His disciples for the Last Supper, but first He washes His disciples feet. Visit for all our videos!
WWUTT 162 He Who Searches Hearts?
Reading Romans 8:26-30 again today, continuing to discuss how the Spirit teaches us to pray as we ought according to the will of God. Visit for all of our videos!
WWUTT 1410 Q&A Hal Lindsey, Francis Chan, and Allah
Responding to questions from listeners about Hal Lindsey, Francis Chan, and whether it’s okay to call God “Allah.” The following are links to conferences, videos, and articles mentioned in this podcast:
Coming June 11-12 to Denton, TX: Wokeness and the Gospel Conference
Coming October 1-3 to Atlanta, GA: The G3 Conference
WWUTT Video: When Will Jesus Return?
Pastor Gabe’s article: Francis Chan Defends His Friendship With False Teachers
Cripplegate article: Farewell Francis
Lutheran Satire video: A Latter-Day Re-Gift