A La Carte (December 23)
Good morning. Grace and peace to you.
(Yesterday on the blog: The Way I’ll Be Reading the Bible in 2022)
Can You Feel the Incarnation?
“I don’t know about you but I cannot grasp that grace of the incarnation.” Chap Bettis offers a neat illustration of it here.
When a Good God Seems Far From Good
“Have you ever stood before a spiritual fork in the road? One where you know the ‘godly answer’ to your painful circumstances, but there seems to be an impenetrable wall that stands between your head and your heart? It’s the tension between knowing something to be true but struggling to believe it when the evidence seems stacked against it.”
Founding Myths and the Second Great Awakening
This is a really interesting (and extensive) article on the history of the church in America.
The Lost Art of Humility
“This is our great problem: we think too highly of ourselves, or too frequently about ourselves. We wonder what other people think of us, and in this era we are desperately aware of cultivating image. But a thin verbal veneer of humility is more fleeting than the sound waves which carried it.”
Just Call Me Old-Fashioned
Here’s a celebration of an old-fashioned kind of Christianity.
On Not Fighting Like Gauls
This article tells why you shouldn’t fight like the Gauls did.
Flashback: The Essential: Incarnation
This is what Christians mean when we speak of the Incarnation: the joining together of God and man in “one divine, mysterious person,” the Lord Jesus Christ.
God is pleased to do great things for souls, when friends and relations are moved to pray for them. —J.C. Ryle
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A La Carte (December 13)
Good morning, my friends. Grace and peace to you today.
In case you missed it, there was a very good list of Kindle deals on Saturday.
I just wanted to offer the reminder that my latest book, Knowing and Enjoying God, is available and perhaps a reasonable gift or devotional option.
(Yesterday on the blog: The Tail End of our Tale)
12 Observations on Spiritual Authority
Samuel James makes some interesting observations about spiritual authority here.
Deconstructing Deconstructionism
“Conversations about deconstruction seem to be ubiquitous. Legion are the number of articles, social media links, sermon series, and videos dedicated to critiquing existing theological traditions, parachurch platforms, or public religious figures. While those engaging in this phenomenon have done so from several vantage points, two common approaches are taken by those leaving churches that teach historic Christian doctrine and ethics. Simply put, those approaches are exaggeration and ambiguity.”
An Open Letter to Listeners of “The Rise & Fall of Mars Hill”
I expect some will vociferously disagree with this article, but we’re rarely harmed by a thoughtful challenge, are we? “Mark Driscoll, based upon the charges brought against him from Mars Hill leaders and members, was unfit to be a pastor, but, if you didn’t attend Mars Hill, is that any of your business? What is your role (if any) in this painful experience?”
Watch Keith & Kristyn Getty’s Irish Christmas Concert FREE
Join Ireland’s own Keith & Kristyn Getty for a one-night-only livestream of Sing! An Irish Christmas—live from the Museum of the Bible! Gather your family and sing the songs of Christmas together again through soaring melodies and foot-stomping Irish-American renditions of your favorite Christmas hymns. RSVP today and receive a FREE digital download of our keepsake hymnal and program book featuring new songs from the Gettys, devotional material and advent readings, and more! (Sponsored Link)
‘Tis the Season for Topigetical Sermons
“The Christmas season is upon us, which gives us Reformed Christians another reason to fight. Huzzah! Or less cynically, it’s time for the annual intramural debates which have other Christians scratching their heads about all the fuss” I suppose the more Reformed you are, the more this may make sense to you.
Advent & Christmas Videos for 2021
Here’s a roundup of some advent and Christian videos you may enjoy and may wish to share.
Conservatives in both Parliament and the Senate allow Canada’s conversion therapy ban to pass with zero opposition
This one is largely for the Canadians who are trying to better understand what happened with Bill C-4 (and how all the parties let us down so badly). “It came as a nasty and heartbreaking shock when on the afternoon of December 1, the Conservative Party presented a motion to fast-track Bill C-4, skipping the entire deliberative process entirely to send the bill directly to the Senate. The motion passed with unanimous consent — not a single MP stood up to say ‘nay.’”
Come Let Us Adore Him (Video)
This is a neat little video from the John 10:10 Project.
Flashback: When God Goes Big And I Go Small
God gives us his commands but also gives us wisdom to apply them in all the intricacies of life—especially life in a messy, sin-stained world.As soon as a penitent appears in the doorway of God’s throne-room, the golden sceptre of His royal forgiveness is stretched out for him to touch. —F.B. Meyer
Devotionals I Recommend for a New Year
With 2021 quickly waning, many of us are beginning to think about a devotional approach for the year ahead. Some are looking for a resource that will serve as the main component of their devotions and others for something that will be merely supplementary. Either way, I’ve collected some of the resources I most recommend and hope you find something here that will serve you as you devote yourself to reading the Word of God in 2022.
Full-Year Devotionals
Partial-Year Devotionals
Topical Devotionals
If you are struggling in a particular area or eager to be taught in one, you may benefit from a topical devotional. Here I’d suggest the 31 Day Devotionals for Life series from P&R Publishing. They cover a number of key topics like Trusting God’s Promises, Putting God First, Fighting for Purity, and so on. I also recommend the short series by Lydia Brownback with volumes covering Trust, Joy, Contentment, and Purity and the short series by Keri Folmar which offers volumes on Faith, Grace, Joy, and Zeal. Those interested in some Old Testament study may appreciate Nancy Guthrie’s 5-volume Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament series, each of which covers 10 weeks of study. Some may also enjoy Leland Ryken’s 40 Favorite Hymns for the Christian Year.
Bible Studies
Some may enjoy structuring their devotions around a Bible study. While many of these are geared to small groups, they are equally suitable for couples or individuals.
Reformed Expository Bible Studies by P&R Publishing is a relatively new series and currently offers studies on 9 or 10 of the books of the Bible. Each study is 13 lessons long and each lesson is likely to take several days to complete. They nicely complement the sermon-based Reformed Expository Commentary series for those who wish to dive deeper.
The Good Book Guides from The Good Book Company feature a number of authors (e.g. Tim Chester, Al Mohler, Mike McKinley, Tim Keller) and quite a collection of books of the Bible. They pair well with the God’s Word for You series of general-level commentaries which are by the same authors.
Crossway’s Knowing the Bible series is based around 12-week studies and has now reached its full 45-volume length. The series was edited by J.I. Packer and Dane Ortlund and features a long list of authors that includes Jared Wilson, Greg Gilbert, Kathleen Nielson, Lydia Brownback, and Justin Holcomb.
The Let’s Study series by Banner of Truth has studies on quite a number of New Testament books written by authors such as Sinclair Ferguson, Derek Thomas, and Derek Prime.
Finally, Lydia Brownback has three new “Flourish Bible Study” volumes on Esther, Luke, and 1-2 Peter while Kathleen Nielson’s Living Word Bible Studies are available for 8 or 10 different books of the Bible.
As you can see, there is something here for everyone! -
Free Stuff Fridays (Clarifying The Apostle Paul)
This week’s Free Stuff Friday is sponsored by Clarifying The Apostle Paul, who also sponsored the blog this week.
My name is Mitch Maher. I’m the husband of Tara, daddy to three girls, and pastor at Redeemer Community Church in Katy, TX. I’m also the creator of both Clarifying The Bible, which has been promoted on challies.com over the years, and Clarifying The Apostle Paul, which sponsored a post just this week.
I’m giving away three copies of Tim Keesee’s latest book A Days Journey: Stories of Hope and Death-Defying Joy.
I’m 50 years old, and these last six years have been the hardest of my life. The political turmoil, social upheaval, and Covid craziness took their toll on us all—our families, our churches, and our nations. On top of this I served our city through the devastation of Hurricane Harvey, endured some painful staff turnover and all that comes with that, buried my dear momma, and saw three planned sabbaticals “disappear” for this reason or that. That’s quite a bit—enough to leave the strongest among us frazzled.
But, I’m just getting started.In December 2017 my sweet wife was diagnosed with breast cancer. This was quite a blow. But, after a double mastectomy and reconstructive surgery in 2018 she is doing wonderful—cancer free!
Then, in May 2021 I was diagnosed with esophageal cancer. An endoscopy I hoped would reveal an esophageal stricture instead revealed a sizeable tumor. Another blow. Yet, after chemotherapy, radiation, major surgery (Ivor Lewis Esophagectomy), and a year of immunotherapy, I am doing great—cancer free and about 40 lbs. lighter!
Then early this year, in January 2023 our 14-year-old daughter was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. A lump. Surely just an inflamed lymph node. Nope. The hardest of blows. Still, after chemotherapy and radiation, she is doing amazing—it appears cancer free!Harvey. Staffing. Death. Politics. Upheaval. Covid. CANCER. CANCER. CANCER. It has felt like an old Batman cartoon. Boom! Pow! Wham! Even so, it is well with my soul. God is good all the time; all the time, God is good.
In light of this, I’m giving away three copies of A Days Journey. As readers of challies.com, I’m sure you are familiar with Tim Keesee. His work sending Gospel workers to some of the hardest places in the world and his video series and delightful books (Dispatches from the Front and A Company of Heroes) which chronicle the ministry, suffering, and joy of our brothers and sisters across the globe, are worthy of your consideration.
But for the last several years Tim has been fighting an incurable cancer. In his sufferings he has demonstrated great faith, hope, and love, along with a steely resolve that aims to seize as many “Kingdom dreams” as possible before the Lord calls him home. And in this newest book he takes us along for some of the journey. I’ve said to others, “Most books teach us how to live. And A Day’s Journey surely does. But unlike so many others, this book also teaches us how to die. Unless the Lord returns, we must all cross that river. You need to read this book.”
I hope you win a copy!
To Enter
Giveaway Rules: You may enter one time. The winners will be notified by email. The giveaway closes on November 18th at noon.