*The audio this week is a little “off.” Due to a technical difficultly, we had to use our secondary audio. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Hezekiah, as John and Steve discussed last week, was not a perfect king. But he was faithful. He trusted in the Lord and His hand. He destroyed the idols and returned the people of Israel to worshiping God as He prescribed.
But in the midst of this revival, Sennacherib began attacking Hezekiah’s kingdom. He threatened to destroy the land, the people, and even the God of the people. We can only imagine the fear and trepidation Hezekiah and his people must have felt. But they turned the lies of their enemy into prayer to the Lord and He answered in a miraculous way.
In the end, Sennacherib was shown to be a liar and God was proved faithful again. So it is the Christian life.