We bring our short series on Christian liberty to an early close this week to begin a series on Psalm 119. As individuals, a team, and a body at Christ Church New Albany, we have been studying Psalm 119 and found truths that have greatly encouraged us and benefitted our souls. Now, we want to share those truths with you.
As John explains in this introductory episode, these episodes are going to be shorter than our typical length. That is intentional. We want these to be very focused episodes you can listen to and carry the truths contained in them with you throughout the day. But more importantly, our prayer is that these episodes will lead you to meditate on, be encouraged by, and apply the treasure trove of truths found in Psalm 119.
The Golden Alphabet by Charles Spurgeon: (PDF) https://www.spurgeongems.org/chs_golden-alphabet.pdf Physical Book: https://www.amazon.com/Golden-Alphabet-Charles-H-Spurgeon/dp/1683072804
Exposition of Psalm 119 by Charles Bridges:
https://www.grace-ebooks.com/library/Charles Bridges/CBr_Exposition of Psalm 119.pdf
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