What is Forgiveness?
Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan doesn’t forgive debt—it simply redistributes and transfers the debt to unwilling citizens. That makes it unjust. It’s unjust to force others to pay for a debt that isn’t their own. It’s therefore troubling that some Christians are comparing Biden’s student loan “forgiveness” plan with God’s forgiveness of sin.
Christians who don’t know what forgiveness is are like feminists who don’t know what a woman is.
But the ramifications are significantly worse.
Earlier this week I explained why Christians shouldn’t support Joe Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan. But the most concerning thing about some Christians’ support for Joe Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan isn’t their support for injustice, it’s their redefinition of forgiveness.
There are probably some Christians who support Biden’s plan who also acknowledge that it’s inaccurate to describe it as “forgiveness”. However social media is filled with people who claim that Biden’s plan is in accordance with the Bible’s teachings on forgiveness.
In fact, they claim since Christianity is based on forgiveness—it’s unChristian to oppose student loan forgiveness.
For instance, one ex-evangelical said: “Bold of Christians to be mad about student debt forgiveness while professing a faith that is literally based on forgiving debts.”
Another person said: “If you’re a Christian and you’re big mad about the possibility of student loan debt being canceled. Let me remind you that the entirety of your faith is built on a debt that you can’t pay that someone else stepped in and paid for you.”
Have you noticed that despite their opposition to Christian values, our culture consistently use Christian theology to deceive Christians into accepting ideas that are inconsistent with Christian ethics? Isn’t that from Satan’s playbook?
As the Bible says, “And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness.” (2 Corinthians 11:14-15)