8 Tips for Starting Family Worship in Your Home
Family worship should be a time that your family looks forward to. A time of connection with each other in our daily world. A memory that will stay with your children, no matter their age.
Last week we talked about what family worship is, why it’s important and provided some resources to help get your family started. Family worship is very important and should be one of the highest priorities in daily life. Starting family worship can be tricky, and staying consistent can be even trickier. Today, I want to give you some 8 Tips to help your family with Family Worship.
8 Tips for Family Worship
1. Start with the Bible
There is a time and a place to use a devotional, but for family worship the best thing to do is to read the scriptures. There is so much meat in the scriptures themselves to read and discuss as a family. God has given us HIS word, not a devotional. Instill in your family that HIS word is supreme and is the more important thing to be read.
2. Chose a Book of the Bible YOU enjoy and Read Verse By Verse
What books of the Bible to read during family worship can be a controversial subject. Do you read through whole books or just pick and chose verses? What about certain books of the Bible that include long lists of genealogies, or hard-to-pronounce names? Well here’s our stance: no skipping books or jumping around (no skipping passages) from book to book based on a topic. Instead choose your favorite book, or a smaller book and read verse by verse chapter by chapter. This is the best way we have found to read God’s word. Please don’t start with Leviticus if you are just beginning family worship. Some of our favorites to start with are Genesis, Luke, Proverbs, Esther, John, Ruth, and Romans.
3. Read During Mealtimes
We have found that reading during mealtime might seem odd but it is a perfect time when you have small kids. If you have younger children, they are contained and occupied and will be more likely to sit quietly and listen. If your children are older, I suggest reading right after you eat or right before you eat. This is a somewhat natural time that Families are together and sitting. Anchoring family worship to a current family routine is a great way to make sure that family worship happens daily. Our kids sometimes even remind us or ask in anticipation when we will be reading together from God’s word!