The idea that revival requires special means, special speakers, and special meetings, is often sourced in good intentions, but it comes from a fundamental misunderstanding of God’s work. When God chooses to draw close in revival, He uses the ordinary means of grace. But He seems to give an incredible and extraordinary fruit to that ordinary means.
Does this mean special meetings and extra time set aside for prayer are bad or dishonoring the Christ? Absolutely not. Those may be called for. But we must understand those things will not obligate God to bring revival, far from it. However, they may be a result of God giving a special desire to see Him draw near or after He reveals a particular need we need to cry out for.
A recent article by Jeremy Walker on revival:
Books we found helpful in this series:
The Fulfilling of the Scripture by Robert Flemming Physical Copy:
Revival by Richard Owen Roberts
Revival: A People Saturated with God by Brian Edwards
Revival of Religion
Lectures on Revival by William Sprague
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