Avoiding a Second Civil War
Two competing religions are struggling in a battle against each other for control of our nation’s numerous institutions such as the civil government, the military, education, and even the church. Whatever labels you use for the two sides of the conflict, either wokeism versus traditionalism, or Cultural Marxism versus Christianity, the clash between the two factions is heated and intense. We call them culture wars, but we need to be reminded that culture is downstream from religion.
America is no longer a republic. The President of the United States, whether it be a Biden or a Trump, has now become something akin to a king. Executive orders and regulatory agencies have replaced congressional action. Also, it is now being recommended that Supreme Court decisions should either be ignored or circumvented. As Andrew Jackson allegedly said, “John Marshall made the law, now let him enforce it!”
Government agencies are no longer considered to be neutral, but they have been weaponized to protect the king in power. Some mothers of children in public schools are now classified as domestic terrorists, and some political opponents are already in prison. If Donald Trump goes to jail before the next election, then expect the “Storming of the Bastille 2.0.”
Two competing religions are struggling in a battle against each other for control of our nation’s numerous institutions such as the civil government, the military, education, and even the church. Whatever labels you use for the two sides of the conflict, either wokeism versus traditionalism, or Cultural Marxism versus Christianity, the clash between the two factions is heated and intense. We call them culture wars, but we need to be reminded that culture is downstream from religion. In essence what we are witnessing today is a religious war. Both sides desperately want to win. Any semblance of neutrality is gone. There is no white flag being waved.
Christendom has controlled the west for hundreds of years, but there is a revolution seeking to overthrow it. Hatred between zealots on both sides of the division looms under their skin, and many men that I personally know are about to explode with violence. Most Americans will not want to be involved. Life is just too good. Some will choose slavery over liberty. A small minority will choose to fight. Small minorities often are responsible for revolutions, and the majority will be dragged into the fight whether they like it or not.
The next presidential election may be a threat to our sanity in this country, regardless of who is elected. In just a little more than a year, as a nation, we may face the greatest danger to our very existence since the Civil War. We are in the middle of a cold war, and I am afraid that it may quickly turn into a hot war, where blood could literally flow in the streets. We could see our civilization as we know it collapse. With whom the military will side, I am not sure—usually it does side with those in power at the time. But they will have to make a choice.
I am neither a prophet nor the son of a prophet. I am not sensational by nature. I avoid conspiracy theories like a plague. One does not have to be a prophet to see into the future. He just needs to be a man immersed in good biblical theology who can see trajectories. Printing money produces inflation. Debauchery in morals produces depression. Religious conflict produces hatred. A divided nation cannot long endure.
I am a post-millennialist and believe that the long-term future on this earth before the second coming of Christ will witness a spread of the gospel that will capture the nations (and not just a few elect from the nations). However, in the near-term, I fear that our country may face a bloody trauma not seen since the Civil War. Ideas have consequences. Cold wars rooted in malicious hatred often become militant conflicts.
What are we to do? How are we to prepare? I am no prophet. Only God knows the future, but he usually works within the realm of cause and effect. Just remember, if I am wrong, I never claimed infallibility.
First, don’t go and hide under a pillow. Don’t retreat into Netflix movies to escape reality. Read a lot but read the right stuff.
Secondly, find a biblical church where you can be part of a network of believers. No one will come to your side like another Christian with whom you have built a long-lasting and trusting friendship. Pray a lot. God does answer the prayers of his people. This may be our most powerful weapon.
Thirdly, prepare to protect your family. Whether it be learning a new skill (such as plumbing), stocking up on food, or learning how to shoot a gun, formulate a plan.
Lastly, encourage your state and local political leaders to study the issue of states’ rights as delineated in the Constitution. One obvious evidence of the present conflict is the division of our country into Red and Blue States. Multitudes of people are moving to Red States looking for freedom. Churches in my home state of Tennessee are growing like wild-fire because of the transfer of other Christians from places like California and New York.
As I was discussing this issue with a good friend recently, we both agreed that one way to avoid bloodshed is a return unto the states the powers that constitutionally belong to the states. Negotiation between State Governors and a king in Washington, D.C. may be the last option to prevent bloodshed. How that will look exactly is not for me to speculate, but it may be our only hope. We need strong State Governors. Next to prayer, decentralization and negotiation may be the only way we can avoid a Second Civil War.
Remember, God is sovereign and he loves his people.
Larry E. Ball is a retired minister in the Presbyterian Church in America and is now a CPA. He lives in Kingsport, Tenn.