This is The Briefing, a daily analysis of news and events from a Christian worldview.
Part I (00:13 – 11:09)
Is a Sperm Donor a Father? Wall Street Journal Raises Big Questions, Reveals Even Deeper Longing Within the Imago Dei
- A Sperm Donor Chases a Role in the Lives of the 96 Children He Fathered by Wall Street Journal (Amy Dockser Marcus)
Part II (11:09 – 22:08)
Violation, Alienation, Abstraction, Moral Risk, and the Unalloyed Good of Babies: The Issues of the Modern Reproductive Assistance Industry
Part III (22:08 – 25:00)
Snowflake Adoptions and the Attempt to Restructure the Family: Christian Faithfulness in the Face of the New Age of the Modern Reproductive Movement
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