Responding to questions from listeners about Christmas, doing a review of the film “Prince of Egypt,” having to correct parents of sin or false teaching, and will lost limbs be restored in heaven. Visit for all our videos!
Responding to questions from listeners about Christmas, doing a review of the film “Prince of Egypt,” having to correct parents of sin or false teaching, and will lost limbs be restored in heaven. Visit for all our videos!
Reading Nehemiah 10-13 where the people of Jerusalem made a covenant with God, but they had trouble sticking with the covenant. Visit for all our videos!
Reading Romans 4:16-18 as Paul continues to expound on his argument of justification by faith, using Abraham as our example. Visit for all our videos!
Taking three questions from listeners today and responding to them in one podcast episode! Visit for all our videos, or follow Pastor Gabe on Twitter @wwuttguy.