This is The Briefing, a daily analysis of news and events from a Christian worldview.
Part I (00:13 – 14:45)
Will Republicans Join the Revolution on Same-Sex Marriage? 47 Republicans in House Voted Yes. Now, Watch the Senate. How Did This Happen?Republicans get on board the same-sex marriage train by WORLD Opinions (R. Albert Mohler, Jr.)Republicans Show Political Evolution with Same-Sex Marriage Vote by The Hill (Emily Brooks)Part II (14:45 – 20:26)
Senator, Can a Man Be Pregnant? Two Worlds Collide as Berkeley Law Testifies Before Senate Committee“No, I don’t think men can get pregnant” by WORLD Opinions (R. Albert Mohler, Jr.)Part III (20:26 – 25:06)
The Great Divide in the American Moral Landscape: Those Who Believe A Baby in the Womb Has Value and Those Who Do Not — Where Will You Stand?
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