A Queer Book
As Christians we must ask what the future holds. At the end of the Sixties Revolution, Jungian psychologist and Gnostic spiritualist, June Singer, wrote a 1997 book ‘Androgyny: Towards a New Sexuality’. At the end of the Sixties Revolution, she saw and affirmed that the spiritual age of Aquarius was also the age of “androgyny” (the blending of male and female in bi-sexuality, homosexuality and transgenderism). She also correctly predicted the coming cosmology of a “new humanism,” a radical rejection of the biblical God and the cosmology of the Western Christian past.We now see the far-flung effects of what Singer saw so long ago.
The Queering of the American Child: How a New School Religious Cult Poisons the Minds and Bodies of Normal Kids by Logan Lancing and James Lindsay
A Definition of Queer Theory
I looked forward to reading this book’s definition of Queer Theory (QT) and its effects on our children. (QT refers to “queer homosexuals” and LGBTQ ideology.) I hoped the book would give clarity to a movement that exposes LGBTQ+ thinking, which justifies disordered sexual practice among children as well as adults.
A definition of QT appears in the Introduction. QT seeks to “push children to destabilize tradition, eliminate social norms and poison their minds…(ix).” The book denies the value of trangenderism (xvi), as well as recent theories of gender and gender identity (xviii). Apparently, this is a conservative book. A decidedly gay reviewer states that:
…there is nothing in this book that is accurate, it’s full of hate mongering, misinformation and propaganda. It promotes a Christian white nationalist agenda and is harmful to every LGBTQ person.
This is indeed a book of conservative convictions except in one area—it justifies homosexual practice. The author defines “queering” as the rejection of anything normative, including binary sexuality (that is heterosexuality) (99), and shows how Drag Queen Story Hour affirms this destabilizing effect on children. Lancing’s theory is that when a society has not agreed on reasonable, healthy sexual norms and behaviors, then unreasonable and unhealthy ideas will fill the vacuum—like men becoming women. But Lancing wants to grant that homosexuality is part of normative living. He states:
Queer Theory has nothing to do with being gay or lesbian. Gay identity…is rooted in the positive fact of homosexual object-choice…(proposed as) a stable reality.[1]
Citing gay author, David Halperin, the book accepts homosexuality as a positive (thus normative) stabilizing factor in a child’s mind, unlike the noxious results of Queer Theory (114-15). Unfortunately, many conservative thinkers consider homosexuality in exactly this way.
The Idol of Our Time
As this book shows, our culture does not know how to deal with LGBTQ reality, which it seeks to normalize. In her Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age, Rosaria Butterfield calls LGBTQ+ ideology “the idol of our time.” Her Lie #1 is “treating homosexuality as normal.”[2] Progressives and many conservatives happily affirm this lie. Carl Trueman wrote recently,
In the coming decade every single church still calling itself Christian will face a choice: Do we follow Scriptural revelation, or the Sexual Revolution? The cross, or the rainbow flag?[3]
Many evangelicals fail to realize this stark choice. Evangelical pastor, Ken Wilson in his influential book, A Letter to My Congregation (2014) states: “We’re all—male and female—part of the bride of Christ.” He adds: “Maybe we are being asked (by the Spirit) to relax around gender distinctions a little (my italics).”[4] “Evangelical” Preston Sprinkle, a well-known exponent of the so-called Side B position on homosexuality, holds great influence on the student ministry CRU. He states: “I would say being same-sex attracted, while being a part of one’s fallen nature, is not a morally culpable sin that one needs to repent for.”[5] Modern culture, like certain evangelicals, normalizes and justifies gay behavior. This was not always the case.
As late as 1960, all fifty states maintained laws criminalizing sodomy. But things are changing. A strong majority of Americans now says that homosexual relations should be legal, and that the lifestyle is acceptable.[6] “Nearly every major U.S. brand promulgates the LGBT agenda.”[7] The government’s Center for Disease Control gives further present acceptance of LGBTQ practice: the number of LGBTQ students went from 11 percent in 2015 to 26 percent in 2021.[8] During the 2023 American baseball season, the Los Angeles Dodgers honored, not merely featured, an LGBT activist group, The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, composed of men dressed mockingly as Catholic nuns.
This lifestyle affirmation became more formal at the end of 2023, with the “Proclamation on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex Pride Month.” President Joe Biden declared the month of June to be a time for all Americans to “recognize the achievements of the LGBTQ+ community, to celebrate the great diversity of the American people, and to wave their flags of pride high.”[9]
It is little wonder that the LGBTQ community is coming for our children. Lesbian author Patricia Nell Warren put it most succinctly: “Whoever captures the kids owns the future.”[10] The San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus sings:
“We’re coming for your children.
“We’ll convert your children
Happens bit by bit
Quietly and subtly
And you will barely notice it…
You won’t approve of where they go at night.”
This agenda operates against the backdrop of a new movement called MAPS, Minor Attracted Persons, that is, pedophiles. Microsoft Co-Founder Bill Gates, has invested tens of millions of dollars into a radical nongovernmental organization: The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), which is endorsed by the World Health Organization, a group pushing for young children to be considered “sexual beings.”