Ready to Go Home
Believers need not fear death and we’ll receive it willingly when God calls us to it. But until then, we give ourselves for the good of others and the glory of God. We tell those who don’t know about the beauty of our God and the good news of his gospel. We encourage believers not to give up in doing good, for in due time they will reap if they continue. We worship God even though we only see him dimly and not yet face to face. We live this life not for itself, but as a passing voyage to our true home.
I’m ready to go home. I’m tired.
I’m tired of seeing the effects of the curse. I’m tired of seeing people sin against God and against others in harmful ways. I’m tired of my own struggle against sin.
I grow weary hearing the latest news. Wars and rumors of wars fill the headlines and burden my soul. Corruption and greed by so-called leaders serving themselves rather than their people exasperates me. Explicit rebellion against God and his beautiful design is celebrated and those who speak against it are mocked.
I groan with creation and long to be fully restored and made new. My longing deepens with the passing of each loved one, each friend. Death takes another, and another, and another and never seems satisfied.
Paul tells us “to live is Christ, and to die is gain” (Phil. 1:21). Whether God gives him another fifty years or just a few more seconds, Paul declares either way a win. To live means to have more opportunity to spread the gospel and minister to others. Death brings the true treasure we all long for: eternity with Christ.