T.D. Jakes Shakes People Down for the Big Bucks
The She-Wolves Jakes Promotes
Jakes Discusses His Views on the Trinity During a 2010 Radio Interview
Dr. Calvin Beisner Responds
Luther’s Commentary on Galatians Lecture 2 by Dr. Rod Rosenbladt
T.D. Jakes Shakes People Down for the Big Bucks
The She-Wolves Jakes Promotes
Jakes Discusses His Views on the Trinity During a 2010 Radio Interview
Dr. Calvin Beisner Responds
Luther’s Commentary on Galatians Lecture 2 by Dr. Rod Rosenbladt
Powerpoint Slides
Rosebrough’s Ramblings on Coram Mundo
Rosebrough’s Ramblings on Exodus – Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery – Part 1