Union with Christ VI: The Objective Result, pt 2

The topic of justification, the objective reality of being united to Christ, is so vast that we couldn’t cover it in a single episode. To be honest, we could spend several weeks focusing solely on this topic and still only scratch the surface of what could be said.

Last week Dr. John Snyder and Acey Floyd talked about justification from our side: How can we be made right with God. This week we look at justification from God’s perspective: How can a holy and just God declare the guilty man right?

We start by looking at God’s character and then what He has said throughout Scripture. As theologians of the past have stated, God constitutes sinners to make them right with the law by uniting us to Jesus Christ. His innocence before the law, His perfect obedience to the law are imputed to every Christian. And every sin committed by the Christian is imputed, or placed upon, Jesus Christ on the cross.

Show Notes:

Romans 3:25-26

Romans 5:17

For further reading:

God’s Gospel of Grace – https://www.chapellibrary.org/book/ggog/gods-gospel-of-grace

Ligonier 12-session study on Union with Christ by Sinclair Ferguson – https://www.ligonier.org/learn/series/union-with-christ

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