The Fragmenting Rainbow
Written by Carl R. Trueman |
Thursday, June 20, 2024
As the number of detransitioners grows and as the science undergirding the whole trans pharmaceutical racket is exposed as junk, the T is going to be an increasing embarrassment to the LGB. And that raises an important question for Christians: Will we be ready for the conversations that this will possibly open up with others who have been committed to the sexual and gender chaos to which pride witnesses?
We can still remember when June was remarkable for nothing more than the arrival of summer. In recent years, however, it has become synonymous with Pride. Christians the world over have grown accustomed to enduring over four long weeks of the ostentatious celebration of the transgression of any and every standard of sexual responsibility, modesty, and self-control. While veterans and presidents have a day dedicated in their honor, the hedonists of our day have an entire month, lest we forget who really made modern America what it has become.
And yet last year there was something of a change. In the wake of the Dylan Mulvaney fiasco, the promotion by Target of the commodities of teenage transgenderism, and the obvious double standards when compared to Covid of advice given by public health officials regarding monkey pox, Pride seemed somewhat less ostentatious and confidently in-your-face than previous years. Whether that was an aberrant blip or the beginning of a hopeful trend, only time will tell. It will be worth watching this year’s events to see if there is evidence of the latter.
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Why has the Church Not Spoken Out?
Whether we believe in God or not, let’s not be afraid of what’s coming. We probably deserve it; in fact we most likely deserve worse. But rather let’s peacefully resist for what is clearly right, good and beautiful because the Human spirit has been victorious ever since our Lord, God and Savior became man and took a human form, soul and spirit and overcame every evil! Let’s choose the New Heavens and New Earth not the New Normal or the New World Mordor.
Since my first article for Brownstone Institute a few months ago, many people have asked me and written to me, “Why has the Church not spoken out about the vaccines, the lockdowns, and the censorship connected to the coronavirus?”
I, of course, have no definitive answer, but I do have spiritual fathers, experience and research to present an informed and prayerful opinion.
Firstly, I must humbly ask for forgiveness for my own sins and for those of the many Patriarchs, Metropolitans and Clergy who encouraged people to follow policy, obey the rules and take injections. These were in the majority position. There is no other reason that this took place than sin and deception. There was a lack of spiritual and moral discernment en masse. There was a lack of guarding our hearts from the spirits of this age.
But in their defense, unlike when Condoleezza Rice and George Bush Jr. said that no one could have ever imagined someone would use an airplane as a weapon, this pandemic, biological war, ponzi-scheme or democide – whatever it is – was so diabolical in its origins nearly all were deceived from the start.
This includes politicians, doctors, epidemiologists, the FDA, CDC, NIH, Germany, England, Russia, France, nearly all hospitals – essentially the entire world save about 30% of people who still reserved for themselves the right to think independently.
In this more recent attack, truly, who would have ever dreamed that the very medical establishment we all depended on and trusted in for caring for us, for healing us would be transformed at the “speed of science” into one of the most efficient means of subjecting entire nations under a medical dictatorship and subjugating the global population through medicine? Honestly, who had ever thought this could happen?
Nevertheless, there were a tremendous amount (and here I will only speak for the Orthodox Church since it is the one I know so affectionately and intimately) of Metropolitans, Bishops and Clergy that were very outspoken. But did you ever hear about them in the mainstream media? The censorship by this New World Mordor started quite some time before the plague and was only heightened in 2019 and 2020.
To give you some concrete examples, I am very proud of our Romanian Patriarch Daniel who subtly, but precisely presented the Romanian Orthodox Church’s position in a manner that only one who had lived through the brutal regime of communism could have envisioned. He skated through political assassination (or perhaps even real assassination – look at Haiti’s Jovenel Moise, Burundi’s Pierre Nkurunziza or Tanzania’s John Magufuli) and religious strife while clearly articulating for those with discernment the real key issues.
Would I have been more trenchant? Yes, I would have preferred a more dynamic response, but Patriarch Daniel had to help those who believed the lies and those that didn’t. He had to be a real father for 20 million people.
Here is what he stated through his spokesman; I’ll condense the first part then go to a direct quote:
The Orthodox Church believes in the medical technology of vaccines stipulating that vaccinations are a right not an obligation and that the medical establishment/government needs to follow these following ethical guidelines:
“consimţământul informat al persoanei, descrierea clară a beneficiilor şi a riscurilor, asumarea responsabilității concrete în cazul în care vaccinarea produce efecte adverse asupra sănătății persoanei vaccinate.”
“The informed consent of the person, a clear description of the benefits and risks, and [the medical/government institutions] assume concrete responsibility in case vaccination produces adverse effects in the vaccinated person [author’s translation].”
The question, “Why hasn’t the Church spoken out against what’s happening?” is in reality a loaded question. I’m not saying it was intentionally loaded, but there is an implicit presupposition in that question. The implicit presupposition is that they haven’t been speaking out. The Church has been speaking out, but for the most part it has been censored.
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Sometimes, No Amount of Evidence Is Enough
If some people will never believe, no matter how much evidence and reason we put in front of them, we have to work out when we have said all we can and then leave people to their determined rejection. This seems to be what Jesus is talking about when he speaks about casting our pearls before swine. t’s certainly what he did with the Pharisees, when he reached a point where he insisted they would get no further signs from him nor would he even bother answering their questions anymore.
It is not uncommon, nor unreasonable, for people to ask us for evidence of why we believe in Jesus. It is perfectly right and proper to give people a reason for the hope that is in us. Indeed, not only reasonable, but something the Bible demands. God condescends to reason with us (cf. Isaiah 1:18) and calls us to reason with others (cf. 1 Peter 3:15). It is good, right and proper to offer genuine reasons to believe.
But as a soteriologically reformed believer, I am well aware that unless God moves in grace towards people, they cannot and will not believe. If Total Depravity tells us anything it is that we do not by nature reach out to God. Even if you’re not reformed, it’s pretty hard to ignore the plain statement of Romans 3:9-18. And then there are the words of Jesus in John 6:44. There are other verses saying much the same thing. Unless God moves in grace towards us, we aren’t going to seek after him and we can’t come to the Father.
Similarly, we see the Pharisees in the gospels continually asking for signs that they know they will reject. They recognise perfectly well who Jesus is and yet reject him. They ask for more signs, having received countless signs already – enough even for them to have formed a clear understanding that Jesus is at least ‘a teacher come from God’ (John 3:2) – knowing full well that this sign is not going to be the one where they finally acknowledge Jesus as Son of God and Son of David. For them, no amount of signs will ever be enough.
I think three things are worth noting about that for us today. First, we have to accept that there are some people who engage with us who simply will never believe and do not want to do so. We can present Christ to them. We can point them to evidence. We can show them the scriptures. But in the end, unless God himself is drawing them, no amount of evidence will be enough. It is worth just preparing ourselves for that reality in our evangelistic efforts.
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How Religion Could Break Up Democrats’ Trusty Voting Blocs
I’m not saying that if you love God, you have to vote Republican. I am saying that God’s Ten Commandments should inform our votings for and our votings against. And too bad for “progressives” if they continue to forget and scorn the Lord’s bedrock guidance. As the old saying goes, the Word of God is an anvil that’s worn out many hammers.
Several years ago, I heard a Catholic radio commentator say that the Islamic Middle East was so focused on the “Great Satan” (America) and the “Little Satan” (Israel) that they might miss the fact that another “Satan” was approaching from their rear—an increasingly Christianized east and north. Despite the best efforts of those trying to suppress the faith in China, the “Stans,” and the hinter regions of Iran, God was working to transform those cultures and draw his people to himself—a nightmare for the mullahs, ayatollahs, and functionaries of Xi Jinping.
From the get-go, with a flurry of executive actions, President Joe Biden made our southern border more porous and moving to bring upwards of 20 million illegal immigrants “out of the shadows”—essentially an effort to secure a massive new voting bloc for his party. Pair that Hispanic surge with the Democrats’ already huge advantage with blacks, and the party of Pelosi and Schumer is beginning to make out victories as far as the eye can see.
Maybe not. Maybe there’s a Trojan Horse crossing near El Paso. Maybe the black voting bloc is a sleeping giant, about to awaken and roll over on them. And the reason could be religion.
Republicans are already seeing percentage gains among these voters. Politico’s Zack Stanton picked up on this trend in a November 12, 2020 piece, “How 2020 Killed Off Democrats’ Demographic Hopes.” Still, in the 2020 election, Hispanics went two-to-one for Biden and blacks went nine-to-one for him. But can this hold? I think not, and let me work briefly from the Ten Commandments to suggest why.
The Ten Commandments and Voting
Consider this: Hispanics and blacks overwhelmingly identify with some form of Christianity, whether Catholic or Protestant, and their Bible contains the Decalogue, for which they profess respect. Of course, some of their churches field ministers serving up a socialistic “grievance gospel,” a nasty brew of perpetual resentment lacking biblical warrant, and many of “the faithful” are not discernibly faithful. But there’s still a big connection between church and ethnic populace.
Because of that, it’s hard to see how these two groups—Hispanics and blacks—can long abide marching alongside leftist politicos. When these ethnic hikers pause for the night, they increasingly and disturbingly find themselves bivouacked with strange bedfellows.
Let’s run through the list: Commandments one through four concern basic reverence for God. Over a third of Democrats call themselves “unaffiliated” (“nones,” if you will), compared to only a sixth of Republicans. Then there’s the fifth commandment, the one about honoring your parents. So where do we find the “children of the ’60s,” the ones who liberated themselves from, and continue to distance themselves from, the allegiances and scruples of their parents?
Commandment number six forbids murder, which brings us to the black-on-black carnage in Democrat-led cities and the Democrat-platformed abortion mills, which destroy tens of thousands of innocent black babies for every George Floyd.
Commandment seven addresses sexual immorality, for whose proliferation and enforced normalization Democrats are taking the lead. Eight forbids stealing and thus honors the status of private property. Socialists, who find their home on the left, are impatient with this institution. Nine forbids false testimony. The epithet “liar” is thrown around as carelessly and viciously as “racist,” but a critical mass was reached in the Swamp with Comey, Brennan, McCabe, Schiff, Steele, and Clinton. (We’re not talking obvious hyperbole, honest mistakes, or even confusion from negligence, but rather willful misleadings for the sake of harming others and/or protecting yourself.) And finally, commandment ten, which condemns covetousness, the driver of the Left’s politics-of-envy car.
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