Union with Christ VII: From Glory to Glory

We are back in the studio this week with Dr. John Snyder and Acey Floyd. Continuing our discussion on the believer’s union with Christ, the duo this time focuses on the doctrine of sanctification. Salvation is a massive reality. It takes a person who was once spiritually dead and makes them alive. It takes a person who was once an enemy of God and brings him or her to adoption. We hate what we once loved and love what we once hated. And all of this is done by the work of our Triune God.

But sanctification is more complex because it involves unpredictable, inconsistent us. We fluctuate from warm to cold-hearted, from completely focused on Christ to distracted by the cares of the world. We sin and repent. To understand this complex reality, we need to look at sanctification in two categories: positional and practical.

On the positional side of things, we see that we have been purchased by Christ and therefore are made holy. That means we are separated to everything in Him and from everything not in Him.

In the practical category, we see a life being progressively transformed to reflect the new family we have been adopted into. This means every day we will see more and more areas taken captive for our Lord and brought to submission of His will.

Martyn Lloyd-Jones offers wonderful help in this part of the conversation through his commentary on Romans 6. We are now dead to sin and therefore cannot have sin reigning in our mortal bodies. We highly recommend that if you have not read through that commentary, make the investment and read through it now.

Show Notes:

Exposition of Chapter 6: The New Man by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones: https://banneroftruth.org/us/store/sermons-and-expositions/romans-6/

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