Redeeming the Elusive “Else”

Redeeming the Elusive “Else”

I am recognizing the continual presence of the ever-elusive “else” inside myself. Maybe it’s there for you, too. You might call it “more” or “other”, but it’s the same thing. The elusive “else” is that “thing” that’s out there, somewhere in the distance, that we can never quite get to:

  • It’s another opportunity.

  • It’s another relationship.

  • It’s more money.

  • It’s increased exposure.

  • It’s more “likes.”

  • It’s greater fame.

It’s something else than what we’ve been given in life. If I’m honest, I think I spend a great deal of time either chasing after or fantasizing about that ever elusive else. And most of the time, I simply try to beat down that desire. I feed myself verses about contentment and satisfaction. I chide myself for my lack of satisfaction. I try to force myself to live in the present and be happy in the moment with what I’ve been given. All those disciplinary actions are appropriate, I guess, but I’m beginning to think that maybe the Lord has “something else” in store for my elusive “else”:


That’s the pattern we see in the life of Paul, specifically, right here:

Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it.  (Phil. 3:12-14).

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