A Plea for the Pro-life Movement

A Plea for the Pro-life Movement

Fraser and his wife have been involved with crisis pregnancy centers, and he cites Care Net (which operates pregnancy centers in the United States), Avail NYC in New York, and ProGrace in Wheaton, Ill. as models for approaching abortion at the level of the individual heart. “This is where lives are being saved and the life-changing gospel is being proclaimed, as the basis of a transformed, life-affirming society, practicing the politics of the cross.” Spiritual and moral transformation of society is essential.

Pro-lifers saw the Dobbs decision, which sent abortion law back to the states, as a victorious step in the quest to curb the sin of abortion. In Evangelicals and Abortion: Historical, Theological, Practical Perspectives (Wipf & Stock), pastor and author J. Cameron Fraser makes the case that while political action is important, it’s not sufficient. “What is needed more than legislation and education is a societal change of heart, coupled with perhaps greater humility, realism and Christlikeness in pro-life advocacy,” he writes. “The evangelical approach to abortion should be one filled with the gospel, and full of love, grace and mercy.”

Fraser is a Christian Reformed Church pastor who approaches his material from the Reformed perspective, rejecting the essentially non-Christian view of social justice as an end in itself. He was born in Zimbabwe, grew up in Scotland, trained and lived in the United States, and has ministered mostly in Alberta, Canada.

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