Too Small To Bother God With
At times we all live burdened lives, weighed down by the cares and concerns, the trials and traumas that inevitably accompany life in this world. And while we sometimes feel crushed by life’s heaviest burdens—the death of a loved one, the rebellion of a child, the onset of a chronic illness—we can also sometimes stagger under the weight of the relentless accumulation of many smaller burdens.
In our times of difficulty we need to remember that Psalm 55:22 says, “Cast your burden on the LORD, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved.”
God is willing and able to help us, so through prayer we can and should throw our burdens on his shoulders. But with all the great sorrows in the world and in our lives, does he have time and patience for the lesser ones? He does! If it is big enough to be a concern for us, it is big enough to be a concern for him. Or as Corrie ten Boom reminds us, “Any concern too small to be turned into a prayer is too small to be made into a burden.”

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A La Carte (October 17)
Good morning. Grace and peace to you today.
(Yesterday on the blog: A Prayer for My Parent Heart)
Start Giving Before You Inherit
“Millennials may inherit over $68 trillion from previous generations by 2030. According to Newsweek, some experts believe this ‘could be the largest transfer of wealth in the history of humankind.’ What will younger generations do with that wealth?” Randy Alcorn has a proposal for you to consider.
Biblical Hope When It’s Time to Consider Residential Care
“No one dreams about putting their loved one in a home. We all hold out hope that we will be able to manage when age and disease come calling. That’s a beautiful hope, worthy of clinging to. I’m not here to pop that bubble, but the fact is, seventy percent of us over age sixty-five will need long term care at some point, not to mention extended hospital stays, rehabilitation, or psychiatric treatment.”
3 Core Beliefs of the Transgender Movement
Samuel Ferguson explains three core beliefs of the transgender movement (and why they do not accord with what the Bible teaches). He also expresses some concerns about transitioning.
Bright on the Outside, Dark on the Inside: Why Salvation Is a Matter of the Heart
Pierce Taylor Hibbs: “When it comes to spiritual matters, what you see is seldom what you get. Appearances aren’t just deceiving; they can be damning. History is rife with examples of hypocrisy: those who claim to be full of light but who are, in fact, dark as dungeons. A recent example reminded me just how important it is to maintain that the inside is what matters most. Salvation is a matter of the heart, not a battle for the head. And I’ll explain why.”
Partnering Together to Plant
“Cooperation is built on a theological foundation. Pastors, we are brothers! This theological truth shows up in basically every New Testament epistle. And part of what the New Testament calls us to is cooperation in the mission that God has given to his church.” Nate Akin encourages churches to be willing and eager to cooperate in planting new churches.
Even Heretics Know Hebrew: How to Interpret the Bible in Partisan Times
I have been enjoying these longform articles from Desiring God. In this one Kevin Vanhoozer describes a hermeneutics of boldness and humility.
Flashback: There Are Different Kinds of Tired
A day spent purposefully, a day spent in bringing glory to God by doing good to others—this is a day that will bring pleasure, even as it brings fatigue, this is a day that will bring joy, even as it brings weariness.God takes everyone he loves through a desert. It is his cure for our wandering hearts, restlessly searching for a new Eden. —Paul Miller
A Batch of New Books for Kids (and Teens)
Every month I put together a roundup of new and notable books for grownup readers. But I also receive a lot of books for kids and like to put together the occasional roundup of these books as well. So today I bring you a whole big batch of new books for kids of all ages (up to and including teens).
Board BooksWhat Are Eyes For? and What Are Ears For? by Abbey Wedgeworth. These are entries in the growing “Training Young Hearts” series and are for the youngest of children. The series “addresses the attitudes of the heart that underpin behavior and explains how the gospel of grace enables us to change. Parents, teachers, and other loved ones can refer back to these resources when specific behaviors need both to be corrected and to be connected to forgiveness, grace and growth.” (Amazon, Westminster Kids)
God Cares for Me (For the Bible Tells Me So) by Kristen Wetherell. “Everyone’s a theologian—even your little one. Each board book in the For the Bible Tells Me So series offers kids ages 0-4 an introduction to key facets of the gospel and a glimpse at the joy found when children embrace Christ as their Lord and Savior. In God Cares for Me, author Kristen Wetherell explores God’s creation and providence, revealing his abundant care for the things he has made—including his children!” (Amazon, Westminster Kids)
Books for Little ChildrenCoop Messes Up by Sarah Reju. “Coop Wheelie is the youngest in his family, and like many little ones, he has a problem obeying the rules–and there are a lot of them! When Coop runs out of gas, his sister, Lucy, tries to help him learn to follow the rules, but finds herself right in the middle of the trouble too. Through Coop’s story, kids will discover that making mistakes can be an important way to learn about forgiveness and the gospel. The first in The Wheelies series, written by Sarah Reju and illustrated by Tania Rex, Coop Messes Up will teach children ages 3-8 about God’s unconditional love for us.” (Amazon, Westminster Kids)
David: Finding Jesus in the Story of David by Alison Mitchell. “Moments in David’s story when David is a little bit like Jesus are signposted with symbols that children need to spot, helping them to understand the relationship between the Old and New Testaments. This fun, interactive resource will give children skills to read the Bible as they connect the stories and learn that the whole Bible is about Jesus. Great for parents or grandparents to give children aged 4-7. Can also be used as a homeschool resource or for children’s ministry in church.” (Amazon, Westminster Kids)
Lucy and the Saturday Surprise by Melissa Kruger and Charlie and the Preschool Prodigal by Ginger Blomberg. This is a pair of new entries in the growing TGC Kids series for children 4-7. The first “the dangers of envy and the joy of contentment” while the second introduces children to the dangers of self-righteousness. (Amazon, Westminster Kids)
My First ABC Book of Bible Verses by Jonathan Gibson. “Jonathan Gibson helps toddlers and preschoolers learn key Bible verses along with their ABCs. Each letter of the alphabet has a bright, captivatingly illustrated page with a short, foundational Bible verse to be memorized and a simple sentence that helps explain the verse.” (Amazon, Westminster Kids)
The Story Of God Our Savior by Kenneth Padgett & Shay Gregorie. “The Story of God Our Savior worshipfully surveys God’s loving acts of deliverance across the vista of the biblical story–with the Cross of Christ lifted up on the highest peak. Take your family on this journey. Ponder together the exodus, remember God’s exile-ending kindness, and meditate on Jesus’ triumph over sin and death! By the end of this story your family will know this about God: He’s abounding in love, a Savior who mends. Always and forever, world without end.” (Amazon, Westminster Kids)
How Do I Get to Heaven?: Questions and Answers about Life and Death by Nancy Gorrell. “In simple terms, this attractive, full–colour illustrated hardback paints a beautiful picture of heaven and explains what heaven will be like. It also explains that the only way to heaven is by trusting in the death and resurrection of Jesus. Each spread includes one question or topic, a brief explanation, and a Bible verse that can be used as a memory verse. There are also explanations of words which might be new to readers, like salvation, resurrection, and substitute.” (Amazon)
Older ChildrenSusannah Spurgeon: The Pastor’s Wife Who Didn’t Let Sickness Stop Her by Mary Mohler. “Do Great Things for God” series. “This beautifully illustrated children’s biography of Susannah Spurgeon (1832-1903) features stylish illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical photos. It is part of a series designed to show kids that God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things.” (Amazon, Westminster Kids)
Risen Hope: The Church Throughout History by Luke Davis. This is a series of five books that are meant to help explain church history to younger readers. Each book covers a different era. “If you’re looking for a narrative-driven, engagingly-written history of the church for young teens, the Risen Hope series is for you. Meet some of the key people who God used to shape His Church, and see how He has been at work throughout history.” The age range is roughly 8-13. (Amazon, Westminster Kids)
Big Questions Series (6-Volume Set) by Chris Morphew. “Christian Studies teacher and school chaplain Chris Morphew has been answering tough questions from young people for over a decade. Big Questions is a series of fun and fast-paced books walking kids aged 9-13 through what the Bible says about life, helping them to grow in confident and considered faith. Now you can get all six books in this stylish slipcase.” Each of the six volumes addresses a different big question: What happens when we die? Why does God let bad things happen? And so on. (Amazon, Westminster Kids)
Trailblazers. You’re probably familiar with the “Trailblazers” series of short biographies for kids. The series continues to grow year by year and must now exceed 50 volumes, many of which have been bundled up into themed box sets. I believe more than a half million volumes have been sold. The newest volumes are biographies of John Wycliffe and Polycarp with notables like David Livingstone and Charles & John Wesley coming a bit later this year. The biographies are excellent and are often written by biographers who have prepared full-sized works for an adult audience (e.g. Vance Christie on David Livingstone). The age range is roughly 8-9 for read to me and 9-14 for read yourself. (Amazon, Westminster Kids)
Bible Investigators: Creation by Danika Cooley. “Bursting with 90 brain-teasing puzzles, 40 Bible passages, and 30 concepts regarding God’s creation, this lesson-and-activity book will give kids aged 8-12 skills to investigate the Bible for themselves—like a real investigator! As kids apply logic and solve challenging puzzles, they will dive deeply into Scripture and examine the Bible’s account of creation, picking up lots of skills for reading and interpreting the Bible. As well as lots of puzzles, there are journaling boxes for kids to reflect on, interpret, and apply what they have learned.” (Amazon, Westminster Kids)
TeensThe Dream Keeper Saga by Kathryn Butler. This fantasy series for young teens has now reached its fourth volume, The Quest for the Guardians. “Even though she’s only 12 years old, Lily McKinley already feels the weight of the world’s brokenness. She’s seen it in her mother’s exhaustion, her grandmother’s illness, and the cruelty of Adam, the bully at her school. But most tragically, she experienced it two months ago when her father died in a terrible accident.As an artistic daydreamer, Lily has a brilliant imagination to help her cope, but that imagination often gets her into trouble. One day, it transports her to a fantasy world called the Somnium Realm, where her father’s secret history embroils her in an epic quest. With the help of a dragon guide named Cedric, Lily battles evil shrouds, harpies, and other creatures to find her way through grief, rescue the world from evil, and discover the power of redemption.” (Amazon, Westminster Kids)
New Morning Mercies for Teens by Paul David Tripp. This is “a daily gospel devotional” that has been adapted from his ultra-popular daily devotional. “This updated edition of Paul David Tripp’s bestselling book New Morning Mercies features 366 engaging daily devotionals, adapted for teenagers. Each day includes a one-sentence, gospel-centered reading and an extended meditation, Bible verses, and a prompt for discussion or personal reflection. Tripp also includes a bonus Q&A chapter in which he briefly answers questions around relevant topics including anxiety, gender, social media, and spiritual disciplines. Focused less on behavior modification and more on helping teenagers encounter the living God, this book helps young people to fall in love with Jesus, find freedom and joy within his boundaries, and live for his glory―day in and day out.” (Amazon)
A Student’s Guide, edited by John Perritt. The “A Student’s Guide” series has been underway for some time now and, in the next month or so, will reach 18 volumes. Each of them addresses a particular issue of Christian doctrine or living. So there have been volumes on glorification and missions and volumes on dating and technology. The volumes coming along very soon deal with politics, rest, and living out Reformed theology. (Amazon, Westminster Kids)
A La Carte (February 7)
The Lord be with you and bless you today.
I added some Kindle deals yesterday and will hope to track down some more this morning.
10ofThose is having a $5 sale with all kinds of good books on sale.Jake Meador writes about the “Alistair Begg unpleasantness of the past several weeks” and explain how “the entire affair, beginning to end, is one protracted indictment of American evangelicalism.”
David Kaywood admits there is already a book on just about every subject, but explains why we need still more.
Church Social helps elders, deacons and pastors be informed leaders by giving them quick access to information about the members under their care, including special dates like birthdays, anniversaries or even when loved-ones passed away. They can also manage schedules, pastoral care groups and leadership-only files, all from a simple online app. (Sponsored Link)
John Dyer takes a look at some of the ways that digital apps are changing the way we read the Bible. These are things worth thinking about.
Cindy points out the way we tend to connect sharing with abundance—we share what we have a lot of. Yet she wants us to consider sharing even what’s sparse. “I don’t know what resources you have—or think you don’t have. Resources come in all varieties. It may be money or cookies or power tools or vehicles. Whatever the resource is, and regardless of the amount of it you have, share it willingly. Who knows what God might want to do with it.”
Trevin reminds us that evil doesn’t always show up waving a flag. “You’ve probably heard of Godwin’s Law—the idea that as an online discussion progresses, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler increases. Godwin’s Law is meant to be humorous, but it says something serious about our society that one of the last remaining vestiges of moral coherence is that we all know Hitler was wrong.”
9Marks has released a new issue of their journal and this one has lots of articles and resources related to evangelism.
Reading or listening to gossip is not a different sin from speaking or spreading it, but simply the opposite side of the same sin.
Friends may speak, and ministers may speak, yea, angels may speak, and all in vain; but if God please to speak, the dying soul reviveth.
—George Swinnock