Listener Email, Joel Osteen’s New Bible Translation the Total Rewards American Paraphrase (T.R.A.P. Bible), Preaching about “Man Boobs” in Australia – a review of a “sermon” preached at Christian City Church in Oxford Falls, Australia.
Listener Email, Joel Osteen’s New Bible Translation the Total Rewards American Paraphrase (T.R.A.P. Bible), Preaching about “Man Boobs” in Australia – a review of a “sermon” preached at Christian City Church in Oxford Falls, Australia.
Happy Reformation Day!! – this PDF contains links to free books and resources that you will enjoy and be edified by.
Follow Up Interview with Darrell Rundus of Ten and Win
Interview with Marcus Pittman of & how He was Thrown Out of a Church for Sharing the Biblical Gospel
Sermon Review: Self-Esteem by Steve Kelly of Wave Church in Virginia Beach
• John Hagee Preaches on Desperate Housewives of the Bible
• Email
• Doug Pagitt Discusses Church in the Inventive Age
• Mark Driscoll Puts Demons on Trial?? Huh?
• Sermon Review: “Hang By the Law or Life in Jesus” by Rev. Ron Hodel