Your Intolerance With Not Be Tolerated
William Tapley Claims Obama is the Leopard of Daniel
Wiccan Witches Notice that Some in the ELCA are Praying to a ‘goddess’
Sermon Review: “Dream Maker: Listening to your life coach”, by Rick Schurtz
Your Intolerance With Not Be Tolerated
William Tapley Claims Obama is the Leopard of Daniel
Wiccan Witches Notice that Some in the ELCA are Praying to a ‘goddess’
Sermon Review: “Dream Maker: Listening to your life coach”, by Rick Schurtz
South Park’s Critique of Christian Music, Is Freedom of Speech Dead in Canada, update on Pirate Christian Radio, “Is Sin only Thought Deep”, Does Satan Hate Jefferson Hills Church in Imperial, Missouri? We Interviewed the Dark Lord in order to find out.
00:04:52 – Interview with Steve Kozar
01:39:24 – Sermon Review: The Three Battles by Alex Kendrick
• William Tapley Explains Olympic Harbinger of God’s Judgement of U.S.
• The Secret Behind Mexico’s Soccer Gold Medal
• Rod Parsley Explains the Power to Get Wealth
• Sermon Review: The Prodigy in Me – Jonathan Brozozog, Passion Church, Minneapolis