00:06:51 Ryan LeStrange Time to Launch
00:15:54 Jennifer LeClaire Sneaky Squid Spirit Stalker
00:35:22 Russel Evans Taking Up the Mantle
00:51:53 David Crank Keeping on Dreaming
01:07:57 Sermon Review: Find Your Groove by Phil Pringle
00:06:51 Ryan LeStrange Time to Launch
00:15:54 Jennifer LeClaire Sneaky Squid Spirit Stalker
00:35:22 Russel Evans Taking Up the Mantle
00:51:53 David Crank Keeping on Dreaming
01:07:57 Sermon Review: Find Your Groove by Phil Pringle
This episode of F4F compares the Biblical writings of the prophets to Perry Noble’s “sermon” at the Code Orange Revival on January 17th, 2012.
Survey of Historical Heresies – Arianism Part 1 by Phil Johnson
• William Tapley & The Devil Moose From Belarus
• Insights on the Jim Staley Indictment
• Tony Jones & Fuller Seminary Teach Theology in the Woods
• Sermon Review: The Edge of Tomorrow – How to Win a Losing Battle by Ross Feazel