00:09:22 Zach Drew U.S. Immigration Policy and the Book of Revelation ?
00:15:46 Pat Schatzline The Simeon Cry
00:56:09 Bob Jones Last Days “Prophecy”
01:19:22 Sermon Review: The Blueprint Prophecy by Mike Bickle
00:09:22 Zach Drew U.S. Immigration Policy and the Book of Revelation ?
00:15:46 Pat Schatzline The Simeon Cry
00:56:09 Bob Jones Last Days “Prophecy”
01:19:22 Sermon Review: The Blueprint Prophecy by Mike Bickle
• Prophetic Tattoo & Piercing Interpretation?!?
• Perry Noble Misses the Whole Point of Eve and Adam
• A Christological Epicenter in Preaching by Russell Moore
• Mac Brunson Says America is Being Judged Because Christians Aren’t Tithing
• Is Perry Noble Qualified to a Pastor to Pastors?
• Sermon Review: The Rebel King by Pastor Gervaise Nicholas Edward Charmley
00:04:38 – David Hogan & Sid Roth Witch Doctor Turns Into a Bat
00:44:12 – Larry Huch Pentecost Shakedown