00:11:24 Sarah Explains Why Dams Are Failing in California
00:25:03 Robert Hotchkin Silence The Storm
00:58:13 T.D. Jakes Water the Sead
01:15:28 Sermon Review: The Anatomy of Destiny by John Cameron
00:11:24 Sarah Explains Why Dams Are Failing in California
00:25:03 Robert Hotchkin Silence The Storm
00:58:13 T.D. Jakes Water the Sead
01:15:28 Sermon Review: The Anatomy of Destiny by John Cameron
• Pat Robertson Say’s You’ll Get Clinkers on a High Protein Diet
• Relig-ish False Gospel
• Covert Messiah?
• Sermon Review: Renovate — Steven’s Creek Church
Subtle Ways to Abandon the Authority of Scipture by D.A. Carson