00:05:28 T.D. Jakes Peking Order
00:19:256 John Cameron Uses Word Play to Avoid What Scripture Says
00:47:21 Michael Brown False Definition of a False Prophet
01:15:21 Sermon Review: Power Evangelism Part 1 John Wimber
00:05:28 T.D. Jakes Peking Order
00:19:256 John Cameron Uses Word Play to Avoid What Scripture Says
00:47:21 Michael Brown False Definition of a False Prophet
01:15:21 Sermon Review: Power Evangelism Part 1 John Wimber
Sunday School Lesson on Finding Jesus in the Old Testament – The Story of Abraham
00:07:08 William Tapley Egypt Air Flight 804 Prophetic Insights
00:17:49 Perry Stone Tusnami Dream
00:39:04 Caesar Kalinowski Why Missional Community Will Never Work in Your Context
00:50:14 Adalis Shuttlesworth Do You Really Love God?
01:18:07 Two Good Sermons: One by Bryan Wolfmueller the other by Mark Bestul
00:07:05 Shawn Bolz Being Children of Promise
00:37:07 Troy Gramling Anatomy of Purpose
00:52:53 Steven Furtick Complete the Cross
01:13:09 Sermon Review: This is a Test by Adam Huschka