00:04:58 Josiah Silva Restoring Your Increase
00:24:18 Hillsong United Endorses the Shack
00:35:42 Russell Evans Explains the Kingdom
00:53:46 T.D. Jakes Bare Bones Ministry
01:10:01 Sermon Review: The One Thing That Matters by Ed Delph
00:04:58 Josiah Silva Restoring Your Increase
00:24:18 Hillsong United Endorses the Shack
00:35:42 Russell Evans Explains the Kingdom
00:53:46 T.D. Jakes Bare Bones Ministry
01:10:01 Sermon Review: The One Thing That Matters by Ed Delph
• Five questions about Jesus: Jesus said what? & Jesus did that? by Sinclair Ferguson
• T.D. Jakes’ Breaking Point
• Joel Osteen and Unexpected Sunshine
• Email
• Have the Apostolic Gifts Ceased? A Biblical Appraisal by Phil Johnson
• Glenn Book Teaches Mormon Theology at Fellowship Church
• Driscoll’s Direct Revelation Throws MH Elders Under the Bus
• Rick Warren Twists God’s Word RE: Hearing God’s Voice
• Driscoll’s 2006 Desiring God Lecture