00:10:27 Todd Bentley Still Lying About Houston Resurrection
00:19:56 Troy Brewer Mystery of Times and Season
00:48:19 Michael Brown False Definition of False Teacher
01:17:34 Sermon Review: Brownsville Revival “Sermon” by Carol Arnott
00:10:27 Todd Bentley Still Lying About Houston Resurrection
00:19:56 Troy Brewer Mystery of Times and Season
00:48:19 Michael Brown False Definition of False Teacher
01:17:34 Sermon Review: Brownsville Revival “Sermon” by Carol Arnott
• Email
• T.D. Jakes and Sherly Brady on TBN Discussing Who Knows What
• Sermon Review: Wolverine the Curse of Invulnerability by Nate Anderson, Summit Church
Listener Email, Leaving Church by Julia Duin, Rick Warren’s Law Based “Gospel”. Is the Gospel Contingent Upon How Much You Love God?
00:03:21 Email
01:05:55 Good Sermon: Beware of False Teachers! by Gervase Charmley