A La Carte (February 10)
The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you today.
Westminster Books has deals on a number of interesting books, including that new one about Tim Keller.
Not a Dinosaur
Mitch Chase: “Among the speakers in the book of Job, the Lord gives the final speech (in chs. 38–41). And the last thing he speaks about is Leviathan. What is Leviathan? Are there clues in the text or outside of the book that help us identify it? Let’s see what we see.” He has an interesting perspective on it.
The Faith Crisis of Francis Schaeffer
This interesting article discusses the existence, cause, and effect of Francis Schaeffer’s crisis of faith.
Not Enough of Me to Go Around
“She stands before me with eager eyes, just wanting her mommy to do one simple thing. Hand extended, she displays the hair tie. But I can’t help her. Not right now. And so I have begun to teach my sweet ones a new saying: ‘My mommy loves me. She will help me when she can.’ A simple truth, but not an easy one.”
Why do Christians address sexuality and gender issues all the time?
“A common refrain among many outside the church is that Christians seem obsessed with talking about sexuality and gender issues. Often, this is mocked or simply dismissed as Christians just seeking to enforce their personal views on other people or to impose our beliefs through government action.” Jason Thacker responds to the charge.
Deliverance Hits the Big Screen
“For those who may not know, a deliverance film will be released next month in two thousand movie theaters across the United States.” “Lovesick Scribe” tells what it’s about and why we should be concerned.
How can we trust the Bible when there are so many contradictions?
“This may be your question. Or the question of someone you know. It’s a good question to ask.
However, the question automatically assumes that there are many contradictions in the Bible, and that the Bible isn’t reliable. And so actually before going further, it’s worth asking these three questions…”
Flashback: Should Young Pastors Prefer a Large or Small Church?
In a small church a pastor will be able to get to know—to really know—his people and the value of each and every soul. Where in a big city church he may preach to anonymous masses, in a small country church he will preach to well-known individuals.
There is no point in praying for victory over temptation if we are not willing to make a commitment to say no to it. —Jerry Bridges
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A La Carte (August 6)
Here’s a prayer I use to begin most days. Perhaps you would like to adapt it for your own purposes. Lord, help me today to use my gifts, talents, time, energy, and enthusiasm for the good of others and the glory of your name.
I tracked down a few new Kindle deals and, of course, will check again in the morning. A good pick for today is Counterfeit Kingdom which examines new revelation and the New Age in the church.
(Yesterday on the blog: A Child of His Care)I think you’ll enjoy this Olympic profile by Bethel McGrew. “Stephen Nedoroscik came to the Olympics with exactly one job. While his teammates vaulted, tumbled, and swung spectacularly through the air, he closed his eyes and envisioned the single moment that would determine whether they brought home a team medal. He had a very particular set of skills. But they weren’t the skills people typically think of when they picture a gymnastics routine. That was about to change.”
I have seen this question come up a number of times lately and appreciate Chris Castaldo taking it on. “Clearly, we face a dilemma. Do we want 14-year-old Sophie to be asked for her pronouns from her PE teacher? Or to attend activities for Pride Month? Or is it better for her to hear the Hail Mary every morning as it’s prayed by the principal over the intercom system?”
“I hope you’ll be part of this conference and come and learn what God might be pleased to do in your life and our lives—to see His great commission finished and the Bible and the gospel spread to all the peoples of the world.” (John Piper) Join us for The Missionary Conference, October 16-18 in Jacksonville, FL. Discounted rates end August 16. Register Now! Limited Seats Available. (Sponsored)
At one time or another most of us have said “proverbs aren’t promises.” And while that phrase isn’t entirely incorrect, it’s also not entirely accurate. This article explains why it may be inadvertently misleading.
Wow, the condescension in this TikToker’s voice. Nevertheless, Tim Barnett explains a few key matters about faith and evidence.
Kathryn Butler: “I forced a smile, swallowed down the tightness in my throat, and struggled against the tide of grief that’s become as familiar and worn as a tattered coat. It’s a mantle common to many who walk beside the hurting — the heaviness that presses upon the heart when we’ve witnessed others’ suffering over and over and over.”
Church skills are like any other skills in that if we don’t use them we’ll lose them. “You might not think you have church skills, but you almost certainly do. You will have developed ways of making conversation, showing interest in people, caring for them, serving in all sorts of ways and lots of other such things. But as with anything we have learnt to do, if you don’t keep using it, you will lose it.”
God accepts and treasures such work, not because it is perfect, but because it proceeds from faith and love.
In prayer it is better to have a heart without words, than words without a heart.
—John Bunyan -
A La Carte (October 6)
May the Lord bless and keep you today.
Carry a Candle
“Our very finite and fragile ability to love individuals around us is a gift. And it is also a candle. A profound flicker of light in this hard place. I understood that I needed to shelter it.” This writer reflects on her inability to bear all the sorrow of this world.
Love Like My Mom
This is such a sweet reflection on a brother’s grief and a mother’s love.
Censorship Isn’t Christians’ Biggest Social Media Problem
This article is really important. “A lot of Christians are concerned about social media censorship. Too few are concerned about social media discipleship. This isn’t surprising. We are more interested in the ways we can form the world than we are with the ways the world is forming us. This isn’t to say social media/internet censorship isn’t a problem. It certainly is. But I worry we as Christians are more interested in protecting our expression than we are our hearts.”
4 Reasons Pastors Should Consider Quitting Social Media
And in a somewhat similar vein: “Pastors should be especially aware of how the digital age is changing our parishioners and ourselves. There are benefits to having at our fingertips encyclopedic information, news updates, and virtual access to others. There are dangers, too. I believe the downsides of social media and overabundant digital information outweigh the benefits.”
Biology’s Divorce from Teleology
“The medical community has historically presupposed all human organs were designed to perform a function. The study of design is called teleology. The heart is designed to pump blood, the eye is made to see, and muscles are meant to move joints. Every part of the body is intended to do something in particular.” I, for one, am skeptical that biology can long survive the separation from teleology.
Ocean Depth Comparison (Video)
Videos like this help me better appreciate the wonders of God’s creation.
Handling Disagreement
I don’t know where this little series is going to go, but I expect it will be interesting. “What does a Dutch Prime Minister born nearly two centuries ago have to say about contemporary debates over the COVID-19 pandemic and vaccines? As it turns out, quite a bit.”
Flashback: 6 Reasons For You To Consider Writing
You can use your words to influence others toward godliness, whether that is the people in your home, the people in your church, or people around the world.When things are going well with us we may content ourselves with talking about the Lord; but when the sky darkens we hasten to deal with Him and talk to Him directly. —F.B. Meyer
New and Notable Christian Books for November 2021
The final months of the year are typically not the best time for new book releases. However, this year we are seeing some special releases that are well worth investigating—including books by prominent theologians like Thomas Schreiner and Douglas Moo. With that in mind, here is my list of new and notable Christian books for November 2021. In each case I’ve included the editorial description.
The Joy of Hearing: A Theology of the Book of Revelation by Thomas Schreiner. “Join New Testament scholar Thomas Schreiner as he explores the meaning and purpose of the book of Revelation. The book of Revelation can feel more intimidating to read than other books of the Bible. It invites readers into a world that seems confusing and sometimes even strange: golden lampstands, seven seals, a dragon, and a rider on a white horse. But at its core, Revelation is a message of hope written to Christians facing hardship, and it’s worth the effort to read it and understand it. In this first volume in the New Testament Theology series, trusted scholar Thomas Schreiner walks step-by-step through the book of Revelation, considering its many themes—the opposition believers face from the world; the need for perseverance; God as sovereign Creator, Judge, and Savior—as well as its symbolic imagery and historical context. The Joy of Hearing brings clarity to the content and message of Revelation and explores its relevance for the church today.” (Buy it at Amazon or Westminster Books)
A Theology of Paul and His Letters by Douglas Moo. “This highly anticipated volume gives pastors, scholars, and all serious students of the New Testament exactly what they need for in-depth study and engagement with one of Christian history’s most formative thinkers and writers. A Theology of Paul and His Letters is a landmark study of the apostle’s writings by one of the world’s leading Pauline scholars Douglas J. Moo. Fifteen years in the making, this groundbreaking work is organized into three major sections: Part 1 provides an overview of the issues involved in doing biblical theology in general and a Pauline theology in particular. Here Moo also sets out the methodological issues, formative influences, and conceptual categories of Paul’s thought. Part 2 moves on to Paul’s New Testament writings, where Moo describes each Pauline letter with particular relevance to its theology. Part 3 offers a masterful synthesis of Paul’s theology under the overarching theme of the gift of the new realm in Christ. Engaging, insightful, and wise, this substantive, evangelical treatment of Paul’s theology offers extensive engagement with the latest Pauline scholarship without sacrificing its readability. This volume brings insights from over thirty years of experience studying, teaching, and writing about Paul into one comprehensive guide that will serve readers as a go-to resource for decades to come.” (Buy it at Amazon or Westminster Books)
What Jesus Did: 31 Devotions about the Life of Jesus & What Jesus Does: 31 Devotions about Jesus and the Church by Sinclair Ferguson. This is a pair of related books that tell stories. “Since before the beginning of time God has been at work. He created the world; he promised to send a saviour; and he sent his Son to die for us. With these 31 devotions and prayers you will see the impact of the life of Christ from before Creation to the Resurrection. Find out What Jesus Did through stories such as: Making Christmas Last; When Jesus Became a Refugee; and How Do I know Jesus Loves me?” As for the second book: “What is a life with Jesus like? How does the Son of God impact me? Through 31 devotions about Jesus, family and the church we discover what being friends with Jesus really means. Find out about Jesus, his friends and family, the disciples and the church through stories such as: Jesus Knows Your Name; Ready Steady Think; and Who Loves Church?” (Buy What Jesus Did at Amazon or Westminster Books; Buy What Jesus Does at Amazon or Westminster Books)
Rescue Plan: Charting a Course to Restore Prisoners of Pornography by Deepak Reju & Jonathan Holmes. “Pornography addiction is a pervasive problem—even in Christian circles—and many destructive misunderstandings surround it. If you want to help someone who has become a prisoner of this sin, you’ll need to know your enemy and the terrain on which you’ll be fighting. What makes a woman’s encounter with pornography different from a man’s, and how do you counsel her? What guidance do you give a struggler who is currently dating—or married? How can you help a parent who has discovered that their young child has been exposed to porn? Rescue Plan draws on the research and experience of two biblical counselors, giving concrete information and helping you to shape an effective plan of attack for strugglers in these diverse circumstances. Although it can stand alone, Rescue Plan pairs with Rescue Skills, also by Reju and Holmes, for maximum effectiveness. Together these two books show how to develop and execute a comprehensive plan for fighting pornography addiction in a wide range of situations.” (Buy it at Amazon or Westminster Books)
Rescue Skills: Essential Skills for Restoring the Sexually Broken by Deepak Reju & Jonathan Holmes. “Do you know someone who is struggling with sexual addiction? Unfortunately, given our hypersexualized culture and the accessibility of pornography, it’s likely that you do. Recovery is a difficult journey—one that none should take alone. How can you help? In this practical handbook, counselors Deepak Reju and Jonathan Holmes provide a treasure trove of straightforward, biblical strategies for guiding a fellow believer—male or female, old or young—toward recovery. You’ll learn how to listen well, develop a plan, encourage good accountability, provide support during relapses, and, by God’s grace, keep your friend focused on Christ throughout. The conversations may be uncomfortable, but this is a matter of eternal importance! Although it can stand alone, Rescue Skills pairs with Rescue Plan, also by Reju and Holmes, for maximum effectiveness. Together these two books show how to develop and execute a comprehensive plan for fighting pornography addiction in a wide range of circumstances.” (Buy it at Amazon or Westminster Books)
The Trial of the 16th Century: Calvin & Servetus by Jonathan Moorhead. “The execution of Michael Servetus (1511-53) is one of the most debated events in the life of John Calvin (1509-1564). It has left an indelible stain on Calvin’s reputation, and unfortunately, the retelling of the story is often dependent on the historian’s relationship to Calvinism. Jonathan Moorhead here seeks to give a faithful narrative of the role of John Calvin in the execution of Michael Servetus. He examines the life of Servetus, with emphasis given to his education, publications, and relationship with John Calvin. Moorhead also gives attention to the role of Calvin in Servetus’ arrests, trials, and execution. Understanding the extent of Calvin’s power in Geneva at the time of the trial is critical to understanding the events, as is the context of executing heretics throughout history, and in particular, in the 16th Century. This book will challenge readers to think critically about the ethics of telling history, the standards of properly judging previous generations, and the benefits of this study for the building up of the Body of Christ.” (Buy it at Amazon or Westminster Books)
More Than A Story: Old Testament & More Than A Story: New Testament by Sally Michaels. I’ll provide the description for the NT version and allow you to figure out what the OT one is about. “More Than a Story: New Testament is a new kind of Bible resource for children (ages 6-12)—taking them on a chronological journey through the Bible with a God-centered, gospel-focused, discipleship-oriented, theologically grounded perspective. The glorious account of the birth of God’s Son and the sobering account of Jesus’ death on the cross; bread and fish multiplied to feed 5,000 and living water offered to a Samaritan woman; Jesus preaching openly and the Pharisees plotting secretly; a crowd singing praises in the streets and an angry mob calling for crucifixion; a blind man receives his sight and a persecutor of the church is blinded by light; an apostle is freed from prison and another is put in chains – the pages of this book are filled with stories from the Bible, all of them absolutely and eternally true, telling one grand story. More than a storybook, this 346-page book displays Christ’s manifold character as well as His glorious deeds, righteous commands, sure promises, severe warnings, and gracious plan of redemption. Though the Bible is full of stories, it is MORE THAN A STORY. It is the authoritative Word of God that, throughout its pages, proclaims and magnifies the majestic character of God, His work in this world, and His plan of redemption for sinful men through His Son, Jesus.” (Buy the OT volume at Amazon or Westminster Books; Buy the NT volume at Westminster Books)
After Emmaus: How the Church Fulfills the Mission of Christ by Brian Tabb. “Did the Old Testament simply point to the coming of Christ and his saving work, or is there more to the story? After his resurrection, the Lord Jesus revealed how his suffering, glory, and mission plan for the nations are in fact central to the biblical story of redemption. After Emmaus shows how Christology and missiology are integrally connected throughout Scripture, especially in the teaching of Jesus and the apostles. Brian Tabb explains what Luke 24:46–47 reveals about God’s messianic promises in the Old Testament, their fulfillment in the New Testament, and the purpose of the church. By understanding Jesus’s last words to his disciples, Christians today will be motivated to participate in the Messiah’s mission.” (Buy it at Amazon)