A La Carte (June 21)

A La Carte (June 21)

I want to remind you that my devotional book Understanding and Trusting Our Great God (which is the second volume in the Words from the Wise series) is releasing soon. It’s now available for pre-order!

Westminster Books is having a sale on some of their favorite books from the past 20 years. There’s something there for everyone!

There are a couple of good Kindle deals available as well.

Appeal for Religious Liberty to a Culture Embracing Pride Month

“I’m appealing to non-Christian friends. I want you to see that religion is core to who Christians are. Yes, we still want to be good neighbors. No, we’re not trying to manipulate American society for our own ends. But we cannot compromise our convictions. We believe America can still be a place that welcomes a plurality of ideas into the public square. It can be a place where tolerance is still maintained.”

Don’t Fall Into Ditches When It Comes to Preaching

“I’ve seen the danger of falling into one of two ditches when it comes to preaching. We do well to avoid both.” Darryl explains what they are.

Good Book Guides Giveaway: Enter for the Chance to Win 59 Bible Studies

Enter for a chance to win a set of 59 Bible studies from The Good Book Company, written by trusted teachers like Tim Keller, Ligon Duncan, Eric Mason, and more. (Sponsored Link)

A call for evangelism, and why it might be missing in the West

It’s a valid question: why are so many Christians so passive when it comes to evangelism?

The End of Exodus

Mitch explains why the deliverance from Egypt is not the climax of the book of Exodus. Something else is…

What If I Don’t Know When I Believed in Christ?

“I spiraled into a season of doubting my salvation in Christ. This severe doubt led me to sit in my pastor’s office where I heard an analogy from Spurgeon that continues to comfort me. And if you struggle with doubt and assurance, I trust this will aid you as it did me.”

If You Care About Spiritual Abuse, Watch Your Language

Trevin raises some very important points here. “If we really care about spiritual abuse, then we must push back against the dilution of the meaning of serious words. Otherwise, we create unhelpful expectations for life together in the church and the world.”

Flashback: The Lost Spiritual Discipline

In his classic work Holy Helps for a Godly Life, Richard Rogers draws out a spiritual discipline that has largely been lost and neglected in recent years—the discipline of watchfulness.

Our culture tells us that the problem is outside us and the solution is inside us. The gospel tells us that the problem is inside us and the solution is outside us. —Dane Ortlund

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