A La Carte (May 14)

A La Carte (May 14)

Good morning. Grace and peace to you.

Here are some new links that I trust you’ll enjoy.

Glenna Marshall: “Like most Christians, I have long wondered why God operates the way he does. Like the psalmist (and again, most Christians), I’ve cried out more than once ‘How long, O Lord?’ I’ve heard all the sayings offered when one questions God’s timing or his ‘no’ regarding your long-prayed prayers for relief, deliverance, or change: ‘If you could see all that God sees, you’d choose God’s way, too.’ Or, ‘God’s ways are higher than our ways.” And the ever faithful, ‘Be patient! God works all things together for good!’”

This article from the Biblical Counseling Coalition offers guidance on biblical priorities. “People are busier than ever these days. There seem to be so many tasks to be done and opportunities to take advantage of that it’s hard to determine what is best in a world of good and better. When we haven’t determined our priorities, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and exhausted.”

“Many years ago, I remember somebody at our church saying – on a week that had felt particularly encouraging and we received a number of new visitors making the room feel relatively full – ‘God is doing something’. I don’t doubt that he was doing something. I don’t doubt that he was building something. But what he was doing and what he was building may not have been what we might expect.”

Donna Evans writes about the way God uses the broken pieces of our lives. “None of us will ever know this side of heaven how God chooses to use and multiply what we are willing to gather and give Him. God is God and we are not. We do ourselves a great disservice by putting God in a box and attempting to limit what He uses and how He uses it. Our job is simply to gather our broken pieces and give them to God.”

“Little by little, finger by finger, God gave grace to open my hand and ‘let goods and kindred go’ to move halfway around the world with my husband and baby. That was more than 17 years ago, and I have to say there have been many times when I realized I was holding on to some temporal, transient thing I did not want God to take.”

Stephen Nichols offers a brief but helpful explanation.

As we make our pilgrimage from our many cities of destruction to our one great home in heaven, we endure much pain and much grief. The path is strewn with thorns and the winds sometimes blow strong and cold. 

If you do not die to sin, you shall die for sin. If you do not slay sin, sin will slay you.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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