A La Carte (November 19)
The Lord be with you and the Lord bless you today.
I wanted to remind you of my site SquareQuotes where you can freely download hundreds of the quote graphics I share every day.
Borrowing from the KJV Bank and Trust
This is a good article from a new site titled Text & Canon (which is associated with Phoenix Seminary). “The KJV translators were not KJV-Only. It is actually those who wish to see the venerable King James revised who are most honoring the KJV tradition.”
Battle Commence
“The prayer meeting is the battle ground on which the church fights together for the advancement of the kingdom. Of all the reforms that a pastor can agitate for in the life of his congregation, the one that will be the lifeblood of further reformation is the gathering of the saints in a concert of prayer.”
Missional Wear: Early Black Friday Deals!
It’s Not Your body
“We’re (rightly) eager to teach our children the difference between appropriate and inappropriate touch. We don’t want them to be abused or to abuse others. But how do we arm them intellectually to resist such abuse? Western culture tells them to oppose abuse ‘because it’s your body’.” But perhaps there is a better thing to say…
Intergenerational Church
I appreciated this little acknowledgement of the sheer goodness of an intergenerational church.
How Ocean Shipping Works (And Why It’s Broken)
This helpful video explains how ocean shipping works and how it has gotten so badly broken in recent months.
Raising Little Flowers
I thorough enjoyed this story in WORLD by Emily Belz. “Crystal Hardy-Flowers always wanted her early childcare center in the low-income, high-crime neighborhood of Sandtown-Winchester in Baltimore, Md., to be a safe place for the 200 children who showed up every day.”
Flashback: Give Me a Man with an Open Bible!
…as Christians, we must insist that authority is not derived first from experience, but from Scripture. Greater than our need for people who have experienced it in their lives, is our need for people who will teach it from the Word.
Unbelief is the cause of all our troubles and failures. This is the strategic point where Satan concentrates his forces against us, and therefore it is here above all that we need divine help. —A.W. Pink