Adoring the Lord

Adoring the Lord

If we do not give our highest love and adoration to God, we inevitably place something else on the throne of our hearts. There is no neutrality. You will either love God above all, or you will love everything else above Him. Whether it be wealth, power, success, relationships, or fleeting pleasures – whatever supplants God as the object of our most passionate devotion becomes an idol.

You shall have no other gods before Me. – Exodus 20:3

The First Commandment: Have No Other Gods

3500 years ago, the men and women of Judah gathered at the foot of Mount Sinai to receive the Ten Commandments God gave to Moses – which begin with the first and most central command: “You shall have no other gods before me.”

This commandment strikes at the very heart of what it means to worship and adore the one true God. The Hebrew word used here for worship is “ahav,” which means to love fervently and to cherish with passionate devotion. It is the kind of word Solomon uses in the songs of Solomon, describing passionate intimate love between a husband and his wife. It is borderless intimacy, simple affection, a heart consumed with its beloved, and, in this case, love is aimed toward God.

God established His covenant with the Israelites at Mount Sinai as their sovereign Lord and ruler. He had delivered them mightily from slavery in Egypt. And by doing that, God was not only after the fear and gratitude. He certainly was not interested in begrudging obedience. At the heart of God’s actions towards His people was a reciprocity of love. In giving the Ten Commandments, He was making clear that He alone is to be adored and worshiped by them as the one true God. No other gods were, and no other wayward loves were to come into His presence.

The Essence of Idolatry: Misplaced Love and Devotion

And it is here that we learn an astounding truth. To not adore and love God with this vibrant “ahav” kind of devotion is itself an act of idolatry. If we do not give our highest love and adoration to God, we inevitably place something else on the throne of our hearts. There is no neutrality. You will either love God above all, or you will love everything else above Him. Whether it be wealth, power, success, relationships, or fleeting pleasures – whatever supplants God as the object of our most passionate devotion becomes an idol.

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