Aquila & Greco on the PCA Book of Church Order and Polity

Aquila & Greco on the PCA Book of Church Order and Polity

My own hope and prayer is that pastors and elders across the wide range of the PCA will use these short sessions to train their men and supply their churches with the necessary resolve to “do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly” with the Lord our God in the midst of this poor, fallen world (Micah 6:8).

Quick on the heels of the historic 48th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), former moderator Dominic Aquila and current chair of the Standing Judicial Commission Fred Greco came to Franklin, Tennessee to record a series of sixteen videos on our denomination’s polity. Designed specifically to engage, inform, and equip the average Ruling Elder, the videos are a practical, accessible, and edifying introduction to our Book of Church Order.

Anyone who has ever heard Dr. Aquila or Rev. Greco speak, preach, or teach know that they are both incredibly articulate, theologically sound, and encyclopedically informed churchmen. They are also very down-to-earth, plain-spoken, witty, and incisive. All this and more is on display in these videos, made freely available to anyone and everyone thanks to the generosity of a handful of donors and a sponsoring congregation in the Nashville Presbytery.

My own hope and prayer is that pastors and elders across the wide range of the PCA will use these short sessions to train their men and supply their churches with the necessary resolve to “do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly” with the Lord our God in the midst of this poor, fallen world (Micah 6:8).

To watch these videos, visit the MORE in the PCA YouTube Channel or navigate to this site’s Videos page under Resources.

George Grant is a PCA Teaching Elder serving as Pastor of Parish Presbyterian Church in Franklin, TN.

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