Bible Thumping Wingnut Network

Beth Moore’s Priestly Garb

Check Out The New BTWN News Website

On this episode of Polemics Report for December 21st, 2021, JD and David talk about the nominees for the worst Christian of 2021 with special attention to Beth Moore showing up in an Anglican church after bilking Southern Baptists for millions. In the Patron-only portion, we discuss David’s concerns with musical choices at his church and how soon he might get kicked out.

Mike Stone Pulls His Punches

Check Out The New BTWN News Website

On this episode of Polemics Report for December 16th, 2021, JD and David discuss Mike Stone withdrawing his defamation lawsuit against known wolf Russell Moore, and catch up on sincere questions about continuing to quote formerly-unwoke preachers, “Solo” versus Sola Scriptura, and how JD became a Calvinist.

The Bulldogmatics


On this episode of Polemics Report for December 14th, 2021, we recorded our Tuesday night Bulldogmatic Bible Study to give you a preview of some of the other ministry work being done at Protestia. Nearly every Tuesday night at 6:30MST we take a break from the work of polemics and “gather” with men and women from all over the world to study God’s Word, pray for one another, and fellowship. To avoid hecklers (yes, it has happened), the study is available to all patrons at the “Witness” level and above. We’d love to see you there!

Woke White Savior Racism

 On this episode of Polemics Report for December 7th, 2021, JD and David describe how each one has being accused of committing non-existent crimes, and they review one of the most cringeworthy things on the internet courtesy of Dennis Rouse of Victory World Church. In the Patron portion, JD answers sincere questions including signs of the end times and “mixed marriages” where one spouse took the poke and the other did not.

Builders Summit Edition: Michael Coughlin- #112

The Godcast with Josh Fritz, Episode 112

Michael Coughlin of the podcast, “Be a Berean” was a speaker at the Builders Summit and joined me for a discussion following his last sesson on Steadfastness. We discussed a range of topics considering men and their application to a conference they attend, and how to endure suffering, and he ends with a special message at the end. Just a blessing to talk with Michael Coughlin.

Follow Michael’s “Be A Berean” Podcast:…

You can find more information about Michael Coughlin on his webpage “Things Above Us”…

In addition to that, below are the two sessions he spoke at this year at the Builders Summit 2021: – Session 1 on “Self-Control” Session 5 on “Steadfastness

If you have any questions, feedback, please email me at [email protected]

You can support the Godcast a few ways:

(AFTER you have supported your local church!)

Visit The Godcast:





Build modern sites with Atomic Blocks layouts

The Gutenberg editor uses blocks to create all types of content, replacing a half-dozen ways of customizing WordPress, bringing it in line with modern coding standards, and aligning with open web initiatives. When we refer to “blocks” we are talking anything that can be inserted into the editor to create content.

Sites Built To Last

The new editor comes with a handful of default blocks such as paragraph, image, gallery, and more, to help you create better standard posts and pages.

From the Atomic Lab

The new editor comes with a handful of default blocks such as paragraph, image, gallery, and more, to help you create better standard posts and pages.

Beautiful Designs

The new editor comes with a handful of default blocks such as paragraph, image, gallery, and more, to help you create better standard posts and pages.

Rock Solid Standards

The new editor comes with a handful of default blocks such as paragraph, image, gallery, and more, to help you create better standard posts and pages.

True Christian Nationalism

On this episode of Polemics Report for December 3rd, 2021, JD and David discuss the twisting of the meaning of Christian Nationalism as it relates to the woke evangelical definition of “pro-life,” and touch on the aftermath of James Merritt’s shameful endorsement of his son’s social gospel. In the patron portion, JD answers sincere questions including SBC interference in local church matters, Christian colleges, and pastors who won’t sign religious exemptions.

Builders Summit: What Is The Purpose? BTWN Guy Tim Hurd- #111

The Godcast with Josh Fritz, Episode 111

In the second week of November, I attended BTWN’s Third Annual Builders Summit. A summit, (conference) for men to build each other up and encourage one another. In The second interview I scheduled, Tim Hurd the BTWN Guy himself, founder of the Network, sat down with me and we held a conversation on the purpose and blessing of the Builder’s Summit, Enjoy.

If you have any questions, feedback, please email me at [email protected]

You can support the Godcast a few ways:

(AFTER you have supported your local church!)

Visit The Godcast:





Build modern sites with Atomic Blocks layouts

The Gutenberg editor uses blocks to create all types of content, replacing a half-dozen ways of customizing WordPress, bringing it in line with modern coding standards, and aligning with open web initiatives. When we refer to “blocks” we are talking anything that can be inserted into the editor to create content.

Sites Built To Last

The new editor comes with a handful of default blocks such as paragraph, image, gallery, and more, to help you create better standard posts and pages.

From the Atomic Lab

The new editor comes with a handful of default blocks such as paragraph, image, gallery, and more, to help you create better standard posts and pages.

Beautiful Designs

The new editor comes with a handful of default blocks such as paragraph, image, gallery, and more, to help you create better standard posts and pages.

Rock Solid Standards

The new editor comes with a handful of default blocks such as paragraph, image, gallery, and more, to help you create better standard posts and pages.

An Examination of Godly Deception

Preached by Pastor Austin Hetsler on October 17th, 2021 (Sunday Morning)

Part of the Sunday Service series, preached at a Special event service

Is deception a lack of faith?

Fake vaccine passports and the Christian.

No video currently exists of this sermon.

Builders Summit: Encouraging Men, Local Church Unity: Pastor Chris Pandolfi #110

The Godcast with Josh Fritz, Episode 110

In the second week of November, I attended BTWN’s Third Annual Builders Summit. A summit, (conference) for men to build each other up and encourage one another. My Pastor, Chris Pandolfi also attended, and he sat down with me to discuss the Builders Summit, His own testimony, his time at Masters Seminary, Pastor John MacArthur, and some practical, Biblical counsel regarding young men serving Christ. There is no video of this podcast.

If you have any questions, feedback, please email me at [email protected]

You can support the Godcast a few ways:

(AFTER you have supported your local church!)

Visit The Godcast:





Build modern sites with Atomic Blocks layouts

The Gutenberg editor uses blocks to create all types of content, replacing a half-dozen ways of customizing WordPress, bringing it in line with modern coding standards, and aligning with open web initiatives. When we refer to “blocks” we are talking anything that can be inserted into the editor to create content.

Sites Built To Last

The new editor comes with a handful of default blocks such as paragraph, image, gallery, and more, to help you create better standard posts and pages.

From the Atomic Lab

The new editor comes with a handful of default blocks such as paragraph, image, gallery, and more, to help you create better standard posts and pages.

Beautiful Designs

The new editor comes with a handful of default blocks such as paragraph, image, gallery, and more, to help you create better standard posts and pages.

Rock Solid Standards

The new editor comes with a handful of default blocks such as paragraph, image, gallery, and more, to help you create better standard posts and pages.

Reviewing Enemies Within the Church

On this episode of Polemics Report for November 23rd, 2021, JD and David return after a short hiatus while touring around Montana to discuss Enemies Within the Church with patrons after a special patrons-only screening. In the patron-only portion, we discuss some heated Twittering surrounding the responses or lack thereof to the film by respected evangelical voices.

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