Bible Thumping Wingnut Network

Peter Reconciled, Part 3

Part of the Exposition of the Gospel of John series,

Preached by Pastor Austin Hetsler on September 26, 2021 (Sunday Morning)

“Public Sin Grows Roots”

Continuing with the exposition of the Gospel of John. John 21:15-25

Watch the video of the Sermon Here:

Smokin’ the Piper

On this episode of Polemics Report for October 21st, 2021, JD and David discuss John Piper’s bizarre attempt to convince Christians that they are “free” to get the jab, then David talks about how Kyle J. Howard is winning the victim Olympics by inventing his own profession around professional victimhood. In the Patron portion, we answer sincere questions, including advice for a pastor coming to a new congregation and what to do if your pastor won’t sign a religious exemption.

The Law of the City

On this episode of Polemics Report for October 12th, 2021, JD welcomes Brent Allen Winters of to discuss the finer points of the “law of the land” versus the “law of the city” as it relates to Tim Keller’s obsession with cities. In the Patron portion, we “ambush” Capstone Report’s Alan Atchison a hard time for forgetting about P&P in his list of pastor-affirming online resources.

KIDScast#90 There Is Foolishness In Your Heart


Proverbs 22:15 says, “Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child, the rod of discipline will drive it away.” Lets talk about three sources of this foolishness in kids and how to overcome them.


So what did you think? Give us your feedback, email us at [email protected]

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Song Credit:  Seeds Family Worship: “In His Image” , “Young”

Peter Reconciled, Part 2

Part of the Exposition of the Gospel of John series,

Preached by Pastor Austin Hetsler on September 19, 2021 (Sunday Morning)

“That’ll leave a mark!”

Continuing with the exposition of the Gospel of John. John 21:15-17

Watch the video of the Sermon Here:

Sunday School Series: Ephesians: Saved by Grace Through Faith; No Boasting #106

The Godcast with Josh Fritz, Episode 106

Godcast with Josh Fritz Episode 106, I continue the study in Adult Bible School at my local church in Ephesians 2:6-10 on 9/26/21.

Video of the Podcast found here:

If you have any questions, feedback, please email me at [email protected]

You can support the Godcast a few ways:

(AFTER you have supported your local church!)

Visit The Godcast:





Build modern sites with Atomic Blocks layouts

The Gutenberg editor uses blocks to create all types of content, replacing a half-dozen ways of customizing WordPress, bringing it in line with modern coding standards, and aligning with open web initiatives. When we refer to “blocks” we are talking anything that can be inserted into the editor to create content.

Sites Built To Last

The new editor comes with a handful of default blocks such as paragraph, image, gallery, and more, to help you create better standard posts and pages.

From the Atomic Lab

The new editor comes with a handful of default blocks such as paragraph, image, gallery, and more, to help you create better standard posts and pages.

Beautiful Designs

The new editor comes with a handful of default blocks such as paragraph, image, gallery, and more, to help you create better standard posts and pages.

Rock Solid Standards

The new editor comes with a handful of default blocks such as paragraph, image, gallery, and more, to help you create better standard posts and pages.

The Drunken Master Strikes Again

On this episode of Polemics Report for October 6th, 2021, JD and David discuss the criminalizing of parental civic engagement by the feds, and how Tim Keller writes the Holy Spirit out of the process of salvation. In the Patron portion, we answer sincere questions, give an update on JD’s legal battles, and tease an SBC-targeted Daily Intelligence Briefing.

KIDScast#89 Imputation: The Great Exchange


The doctrine of imputation has been called the great exchange. On the cross, Jesus was credited the sin of the world and at their justification, a believer is credited His righteousness.


So what did you think? Give us your feedback, email us at [email protected]

Join Our KIDScast Family!

Like us on Social Media:FACEBOOKINSTAGRAM

Rate & Review on iTunes

Support Our Work:PATREON

Check Out Our Other Show, And The BTWN Network

Song Credit:  Seeds Family Worship: “” , “Young”

Peter Reconciled, Part 1

Part of the Exposition of the Gospel of John series,

Preached by Pastor Austin Hetsler on September 12, 2021 (Sunday Morning)

Continuing with the exposition of the Gospel of John. John 21:1-14

Watch the video of the Sermon Here:

Sunday School Series: Ephesians: What We Were Before Christ #105

The Godcast with Josh Fritz, Episode 105

Continuing the Adult Sunday School in my local church We continued the study in Ephesians 2:1-5. Thank you all.

Video of the Podcast found here:

If you have any questions, feedback, please email me at [email protected]

You can support the Godcast a few ways:

(AFTER you have supported your local church!)

Visit The Godcast:





Build modern sites with Atomic Blocks layouts

The Gutenberg editor uses blocks to create all types of content, replacing a half-dozen ways of customizing WordPress, bringing it in line with modern coding standards, and aligning with open web initiatives. When we refer to “blocks” we are talking anything that can be inserted into the editor to create content.

Sites Built To Last

The new editor comes with a handful of default blocks such as paragraph, image, gallery, and more, to help you create better standard posts and pages.

From the Atomic Lab

The new editor comes with a handful of default blocks such as paragraph, image, gallery, and more, to help you create better standard posts and pages.

Beautiful Designs

The new editor comes with a handful of default blocks such as paragraph, image, gallery, and more, to help you create better standard posts and pages.

Rock Solid Standards

The new editor comes with a handful of default blocks such as paragraph, image, gallery, and more, to help you create better standard posts and pages.

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