Bible Thumping Wingnut Network

Beyond All Doubt

Part of the Exposition of the Gospel of John series,

Preached by Pastor Austin Hetsler on September 5, 2021 (Sunday Morning)

“How the feckless became fearless.”

Continuing with the exposition of the Gospel of John. John 20:19-31

Watch the video of the Sermon Here:

The Myth of the Myth of Genesis



On this episode of Polemics Report for September 24th, 2021, JD outlines the new way to get Protestia ad-free, and discusses how believing in the biblical creation account is a primary issue. In the Patron portion, we discuss the differences between being a free citizen (America) and being a subject (Great Britain).

Holy Plagiarism



On this episode of Polemics Report for September 21st, 2021, we opine on the archetypical SBC lackey caricatured by Bart Barber, laugh at the “Werther’s Original” guy misunderstanding online ads, and answer Patron questions on the free side as a preview of some of the benefits of becoming a patron. In the Patron-only portion, we address a Patron’s loving disagreement with David’s interpretation of Romans 13.

Sunday School Series: Ephesians: Christ Above All, Christ As Head #104

The Godcast with Josh Fritz, Episode 104

Continuing the Adult Sunday School in my local church We continued the study in Ephesians 1:15-23 . Please forgive the sound edits that I made and I hope it is coherent for you. Thank you all.

Video of the Podcast found here:

If you have any questions, feedback, please email me at

You can support the Godcast a few ways:

(AFTER you have supported your local church!)

Visit The Godcast:





Build modern sites with Atomic Blocks layouts

The Gutenberg editor uses blocks to create all types of content, replacing a half-dozen ways of customizing WordPress, bringing it in line with modern coding standards, and aligning with open web initiatives. When we refer to “blocks” we are talking anything that can be inserted into the editor to create content.

Sites Built To Last

The new editor comes with a handful of default blocks such as paragraph, image, gallery, and more, to help you create better standard posts and pages.

From the Atomic Lab

The new editor comes with a handful of default blocks such as paragraph, image, gallery, and more, to help you create better standard posts and pages.

Beautiful Designs

The new editor comes with a handful of default blocks such as paragraph, image, gallery, and more, to help you create better standard posts and pages.

Rock Solid Standards

The new editor comes with a handful of default blocks such as paragraph, image, gallery, and more, to help you create better standard posts and pages.

Why Mary Magdalene?

Part of the Exposition of the Gospel of John series,

Preached by Pastor Austin Hetsler on August 22, 2021 (Sunday Morning)

“Women are liberated by Jesus”

Continuing with the exposition of the Gospel of John. John 20:1-18

Watch the video of the Sermon Here:

Todd Keeps Missing It on Romans 13



On this episode of Polemics Report for September 16th, 2021, David takes issue with brother Todd Friel’s continued missing of the mark on Christian submission to government authority, responding to one of Todd’s recent Wretched videos versus Romans 13:1-7. In the Patron portion, David addresses the OG SSA Christian Vaughan Roberts and what we’ll be doing during the Millenium.

Christianity Can’t Be Lived In Secret

Part of the Exposition of the Gospel of John series,

Preached by Pastor Austin Hetsler on August 15, 2021 (Sunday Morning)

“Authentic Christianity is never lived in secret, even under the threat of persecution or death.”

Continuing with the exposition of the Gospel of John. John 19:31-42

Sunday School Series: Ephesians Growth and God’s Power #103

The Godcast with Josh Fritz, Episode 103

On 9/05/21 I took over in my church’s Adult Sunday School, and I picked it up in Ephesians 1:15 . The lesson got cut off due to poor connections. But a large section was preserved. In a subsequent video I will catch everyone up on what was missed. Thank you all.

Video of the Podcast found here:

If you have any questions, feedback, please email me at

You can support the Godcast a few ways:

(AFTER you have supported your local church!)

Visit The Godcast:





Build modern sites with Atomic Blocks layouts

The Gutenberg editor uses blocks to create all types of content, replacing a half-dozen ways of customizing WordPress, bringing it in line with modern coding standards, and aligning with open web initiatives. When we refer to “blocks” we are talking anything that can be inserted into the editor to create content.

Sites Built To Last

The new editor comes with a handful of default blocks such as paragraph, image, gallery, and more, to help you create better standard posts and pages.

From the Atomic Lab

The new editor comes with a handful of default blocks such as paragraph, image, gallery, and more, to help you create better standard posts and pages.

Beautiful Designs

The new editor comes with a handful of default blocks such as paragraph, image, gallery, and more, to help you create better standard posts and pages.

Rock Solid Standards

The new editor comes with a handful of default blocks such as paragraph, image, gallery, and more, to help you create better standard posts and pages.

Did Litton Steal It or Buy It?



On this episode of Polemics Report for September 9th, 2021, David flies solo, discussing secondary doctrines and his theory that Ed Litton may not have plagiarized JD Greear after all yet may very well be unregenerate. In the Patron portion, David talks about his and his wife’s foray into homeschooling and begins to dismantle the faulty MacArthur/Friel understanding of government authority as taught in Romans 13.

  The Real Heroes

On this episode of Polemics Report for September 3rd, 2021, Our generous patrons share an entire episode with our lovable freeloaders! David expresses his frustration with theological stupidity of some Southern Baptists, using Martin Luther’s 1527 letter to Johann Hess as an example, and JD buries the hatchet over evangelicals who used John MacArthur to attack churches that refused to close last year. In what would be the patron portion, we answer a question about Federalism and one about Christian journalism.

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