Canon Press

Idaho and Texas Are Now Involved

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A Petticoat in the Bicycle Chain

The Annual Canon Press Fall Sale is LIVE! Head to to get 30% off almost everything and all US orders over $25 get FREE Shipping.

A Petticoat in the Bicycle Chain

The Annual Canon Press Fall Sale is LIVE! Head to to get 30% off almost everything and all US orders over $25 get FREE Shipping.

A Red Lady Bug, With Black Dots

Don’t miss the Annual Fall Sale at

A Red Lady Bug, With Black Dots

Don’t miss the Annual Fall Sale at

So They Want to Impeach the Dog

Don’t forget that Canon Press’s annual Fall Sale starts next week (October 7th-11th)! 30% off almost everything in the store! Don’t miss out 

So They Want to Impeach the Dog

Don’t forget that Canon Press’s annual Fall Sale starts next week (October 7th-11th)! 30% off almost everything in the store! Don’t miss out 

The Challenge of Unethical Vaccines

N.B. I am not in a position to vouch for the accuracy of the following claims. They are submitted for the inspection of those who care deeply about this issue, and who are prepared to pursue it further. The mere fact of their inclusion here does not mean that I would agree with everything—some of the posted links do not even agree with each other. Here is a breakdown of products that used a cell line for an aborted child in the testing of their products, followed by products that contain fetal material. Here is an article from a Catholic website called Children of God for Life. The main thrust of this article concerns the origin of the rubella vaccine. Prove it. This is an article that breaks the issues down And here is a statement from the Pontifical Academy, the one I interacted with above. This is a statement on vaccination generally from the City Reformed Presbyterian Church, but it has a section on the unlawful origins of some of the vaccines. Al Mohler addressed it in this edition of The Briefing, second segment. Here is an article for you. A table of problematic vaccines and alternatives to them. And another one.

The Challenge of Unethical Vaccines

N.B. I am not in a position to vouch for the accuracy of the following claims. They are submitted for the inspection of those who care deeply about this issue, and who are prepared to pursue it further. The mere fact of their inclusion here does not mean that I would agree with everything—some of the posted links do not even agree with each other. Here is a breakdown of products that used a cell line for an aborted child in the testing of their products, followed by products that contain fetal material. Here is an article from a Catholic website called Children of God for Life. The main thrust of this article concerns the origin of the rubella vaccine. Prove it. This is an article that breaks the issues down And here is a statement from the Pontifical Academy, the one I interacted with above. This is a statement on vaccination generally from the City Reformed Presbyterian Church, but it has a section on the unlawful origins of some of the vaccines. Al Mohler addressed it in this edition of The Briefing, second segment. Here is an article for you. A table of problematic vaccines and alternatives to them. And another one.

The Slaves of Jonathan Edwards, Part 2

For more books and audio from Douglas Wilson, please visit us at 

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