The Incomparable Comfort of the Christian Faith
The Bible is the opening of the heart of God. It is God’s heart unveiled, each beat inviting the mourner, the poor in spirit, the widow, the fatherless, the bereaved, the persecuted, the sufferer, yes, every child of affliction and grief to the refuge and sympathy, the protection and soothing of His heart.
As a system of consolation, Christianity has no equal. No other religion in the world touches the hidden springs of the soul, or reaches the lowest depths of human sorrow, but the religion of Christ. When your hearts have been overwhelmed, when adversity has wrapped you within its gloomy shroud, when the broken billows of grief have swollen and surged around your soul, how have you fled to the Scriptures of truth for aid and support, for guidance and comfort! You have not gone to them in vain. “The God of all comfort” speaks in his Word, and there is no word of comfort like that which He speaks.
The application of His truth to the varied, the peculiar and personal trials and sorrows of His Church is one of the strongest proofs of its divinity. Take to the Word of God whatever sorrow you may; go with whatever mental clouding, with whatever spirit sadness, with whatever heart grief; whatever be its character, its complexion, its depth unsurpassed in the history of human sorrow there is consolation and support in the Word of God for your mind.
God will not leave you in trouble, but will sustain you in it, will bring you out of, and sanctify you by it to the endless glory and praise of His great and precious name!
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