Report of the 51st PCA General Assembly: Summary and 10 Key Decisions
Over 2100 Ruling Elders and Teaching Elders converged on Richmond, VA for the 51st General Assembly this past week! And, just like that it is over. The Assembly opened up on Tuesday, June 11th with the election of Ruling Elder Steve Dowling to be our Moderator for the next year. Steve was the Moderator of the Overtures Committee last year and he did a fantastic job as Moderator, bringing GA to a close in less time than was scheduled.
It has been one year since the exhilaration of the 50th Anniversary and with no major controversy brewing, there were questions about this yearâs attendance. However, over 2100 Ruling Elders and Teaching Elders converged on Richmond, VA for the 51st General Assembly this past week! And, just like that it is over. The Assembly opened up on Tuesday, June 11th with the election of Ruling Elder Steve Dowling to be our Moderator for the next year.  Steve was the Moderator of the Overtures Committee last year and he did a fantastic job as Moderator, bringing GA to a close in less time than the esteemed TE Fred Greco last year. There is so much good going on in the PCA! The Stated Clerkâs Report highlighted key statistics outlining our continued growth and the MNA Report presented their goal of growing the PCA by 1000 churches in 10 years. In fact, each agency and permanent committee had amazing news of what the Lord is doing in their respective areas. While there were too many decisions to highlight here, what follows is a summary of 10 key events that took place this week at PCA GA 2024. (video explaining these decisions at bottom of page)
1)Â Titles for Officers (Pastor/Elder/Deacon)
Passed by standing vote â Overture is NOW a part of our BCO
ITEM 1: Amend BCO 7-3, regarding titling of unordained people, by the addition of a sentence.
[Overture 26 was answered in the affirmative as amended by the Overtures Committee.]
Passed last yearâs assembly and Passed 64 â 14 of Presbyteries this past year.
BCO 7-3. No one who holds office in the Church ought to usurp authority therein, or receive official titles of spiritual preeminence, except such as are employed in the Scripture. Furthermore, unordained people shall not be referred to as, or given the titles of, the ordained offices of pastor/elder, or deacon.
A PROTEST WAS FILED. This will not affect this overtures passage which is effective immediatell
2) Standards for Officers (Biblical Requirements of Chastity & Sexual Purity for Officers),
Passed by standing vote â Overture is NOW a part of our BCO
ITEM 2: Amend BCO 8-2 and 9-3, to require officers âconformity to Biblical standards for chastity and sexual purity in self-description, by the addition of the underlined wording.
[2023 Overture 23 from Mississippi Valley Presbytery was answered in the affirmative as amended by the Overtures Committee.]
(2023 Overtures 9, 16, 17, and 24 were answered with reference to Overture 23.)
Passed last yearâs assembly and 76-2 of Presbyteries this past year.
8-2. He that fills this office should possess a competency of human learning and be blameless in life, sound in the faith and apt to teach. He should exhibit a sobriety 8 and holiness of life becoming the Gospel. He should conform to the biblical requirement of chastity and sexual purity in his descriptions of himself, and in his convictions, character, and conduct. He should rule his own house well and should have a good report of them that are outside the Church.
9-3. To the office of deacon, which is spiritual in nature, shall be chosen men of spiritual character, honest repute, exemplary lives, brotherly spirit, warm sympathies, and sound judgment, conforming to the biblical requirement of chastity and sexual purity in their descriptions of themselves and in their convictions, character, and conduct.
3) Confessions & Offended Parties
Passed by standing vote â Overture is NOW a part of our BCO
ITEM 3: Amend BCO 38-1, regarding confessions and offended parties, as follow (strike-through for deletions, underlining for new wording).
[2023 Overture 27 from Pacific Northwest Presbytery was answered in the affirmative as amended by the Overtures Committee.]
Passed last yearâs assembly and 77-1 of Presbyteries this past year.
BCP 38-1 (adds paragraph 2) In any instances involving a personal offense (BCO 29-3), the court shall attempt to inform the offended person(s) of that part of the Confession the court deems pertinent to the offense against him or her. The court shall invite the offended person to provide the court comment on the Confession prior to final approval of the Confession by the confessor and the court. The court shall encourage the offended person to enlist the help of an advisor in preparing any such comments. In all instances, the court shall report the way such offended persons were informed of the parts of the Confession pertinent to them.
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